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Children of Vietnam Veterans

Some websites of interest

The Wall official webpage
Good site for Vietnam Vets
PBS website dedicated to the Vietnam War

Calling all children of Vietnam Veterans

I am looking for children of Vietnam Veterans, living or deceased, who would be interested in sharing their experiences growing up with, or without, a Vietnam Veteran. I know that my experiences with my father were much different than my friends' experiences growing up. I would like to put together a book that is a compilation of first-hand accounts of children of Vietnam Veterans. I have posted messages on several webpages and haven't gotten too much of a response. This will be a long project, but hopefully it will be worth it.

My father

My father, Sgt. Timothy Snell of the U.S.M.C., Hotel Company 2/26, served a 14-month tour in Vietnam. He fought at the siege at Khe-Sanh and lost his closest friend during the war. Because of his experiences during the war, I have a deep respect for him and all of the men and women who served not only in Vietnam, but in every war our country has fought.

Contact Me

If you would be interested in getting more information, or to talk, please email me and I'll be more than happy to get back to you.
