
Updated regularly! Check back soon.

2/4 Big news! A brand new section has found its way onto the site: CherneyWear! Be sure to check it out, it's got some mildly funny stuff in it. Also, I fixed the link to Page 10 in the gallery - it seemed to be broken, altought I doubt anyone actually cared. Viva la revolucion.
2/2/03 A new page 10 has been added to the gallery! I know that it has been awhile since the latest update, but I plan to update intensively in the next few days - more works, more links, and a new mystery section!
12/17 Updated twice in a row! Miraculous! A new Reemus picture has been posted on Page 8 of the Gallery, and an entirely new Page 9 has been created. This is cool shit. Real cool. Cooler than you, probably. Two Towers tomorrow!!
12/16 Yeah, I'm sorry, it's been a while. All's well that ends well, though, right? The big news of the past two months: I got into Northwestern!! Yay! It's exciting, really - its going to be awesome. Anyway, I have created a Reemus page (page 8) in the Gallery, so be sure to check that shit out. Also, a new picture has been added to Page 6 of the Gallery. Happy Holidays to everyone!
10/20 Two new pictures! Chris' Birthday Pic is on Page 5 of the Gallery, and a new NHSI picture on page 2 of Cherubs.
9/30 Cherney's Site has seen an extensive update today for the first time since June. The extensive update is thus: the Gallery has been reorganized! Instead of one huge page of pictures, the Gallery has been broken down into 7 pages. Also, I have moved a link to the Cherub page from the Gallery to the main navigation menu. And if that's not enough for you, then there are five new and awesome Homecoming pictures in the Gallery - Page 7. I think I need to do homework now. I hate school. Peace.
9/17 Skokie Speedstars Link is up in Gateways (you're welcome, Tim). Also, new pic in the Cherub section.
8/6 Casey is finally in the Gallery! Dance and rejoice.
8/3 The only update here is that I have returned from my escapade at Northwestern. Basically, I am really sad that I had to leave everyone. It was an amazing experience and I will never forget it. I came home yesterday and cried for an hour. That's how good it was - I actually cried. Cherney doesn't cry... but I did. So to all the Cherubs out there that I pester to come to my site - you're all the coolest and amazing and I'll never forget any of you!! GO CHERUBS 2002! Oh yeah, one new pic in the gallery.
6/27 Three new pictures in the Gallery! Also, I updated the Gateways page a little bit and fixed some broken links.
6/23 Ok well somehow I managed to update the site a shitload. First of all, I have placed two new peices on the Works page - so be sure to check that shit out. And more excitingly, I am proud to unveil a new Israel page!! WOOOWOOO! It was really annoying because I had the thing finished and then Angelfire got retarded and decided that it didn't want to save it so I had to do it all over again. Anyway, I'm tired - I only got 4 hours of sleep last night - so I best be going. Check out all the cool stuff! Oh yeah, I beat JOSH P at Scrabble for the first time ever! Haaaa........
6/21 Hi z0r. Nothing major today either, however I did manage to add some awesome effects (note the Jewish stars) and I have added three pictures to the Gallery. Check it out!
6/16 Sorry guys, not much today. I was... indisposed most of the day. However, I did put in a new proverb at the bottom of your screen and I spiced up the works page with some pictures. More to come.
6/15 Well, it's officially the 16th, but I'm leaving this update under the 15th for SEVERAL reasons. I have some exicting stuff to report. I have added a NEW and IMPROVED table of contents to the Works page, complete with commentary, so check it out. Also, I've added a few pictures to the Gallery. Doesn't sound like much, but that fucking Table took me 2 hours to make. I love you. Bye.
6/14 Well, it's officially the 15th, but I'm leaving this update under the 14th for various reasons. Anyway, I've been working hard for the past couple hours to bring you a series of cool updates. First off, I have created a Gateways (Links) page - it's not finished and some of the links are broken, but its there. Secondly, and perhaps more exciting, I've added 10 pics to the Gallery! So check that out when you get a chance. Alright, I'm going to sleep.
6/12 Yeah, hi. Well, for some reason I didn't add any cool effects like I was going to. But I did add a crapload of stuff to the Works page. So check that out... do it, you hav no choice. Oh yeah, and I added a nice pic to the gallery. HAHAHA. Later guys.
6/11 Alright. I need to get out the house, I've spent a cumulative 7 hours working on this guy. But you know what, it's worth it. Gallery is growing, Profile is up and running, some cool effects have been added (cursor), and I have a guestbook! Dude, I have almost achieved pure happiness. Almost.
6/10 It has been a busy day. Well, not really, but I did manage to get both the Works page and the Gallery page up and running. Works is complete with content (cool effects to follow), Gallery is in need of pictures.
6/9 I've got the domain - official first day of Cherney's site! I also creating the frames and the buttons that go inside them. Dude, you gotta love HTML-coding. More updates to follow as I continue working on the site.