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How Does A Nation Fail?

Comparing the Bush Administration to Hitler's Nazis
Could You Be A Terrorist? ||| The Words In Our Mouths

||| But What Does It Have to do With Me? ||| Propaganda ||| Sources and Citations

In this day and age it seems that the world is changing too quickly for us to keep up with. New initiatives, new public policy, new terrorists to be frightened of seem to keep us all off balance and frightened of what might come next.

But are things really so new and different as it first appears? If you look closely, are we really just following in the footsteps of history? Is history merely repeating itself and we are the unwitting dupes of a terrible time, just as years ago the German people unwittingly became involved in one of the most horrible events of the human race?

"The best defense against terrorism is a strong offensive against terrorists."

George W. Bush

The pages linked in this web group provide pictures, quotes and policies of both regimes conviently located near each other. The conclusions are yours to draw.

I welcome your input, ideas and comments. If you have anything you would like to say, please drop me an email at:

Thanks for visiting my site, I hope it gave you something to consider.

"Strength lies not in defense but in attack."

Adolf Hitler