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Bombardment Society Fantasy Baseball
"Maybe I'm spending too mu
ch of my time starting up clubs and putting on plays. I should probably be trying harder to score chicks."
-Max Fischer from Rushmore

Managers - Click above to sign in to league page

Pending Trades
Schedules & Starters
Outside Links
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    Waiver Wire
Welcome to the Bombardment Society Fantasy Baseball League Home Page.  This page has been to designed as a showcase for our managers and their teams, and as a resource to various links that our managers may need.  It is also a written explanation to our wives and girlfriends as to why we sit in front of the computer and ignore them.

All members of BS Baseball are first or second year managers, with little, to no, experience in Fantasy Baseball management.  Inexperience and drunkenness will certainly be evident in the end result...

Mission Statement:
All important decisions are to be made under the influence. 

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