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24 JUN 2002    OK OK, jeez I will update the site!  People keep asking me to, and I will when I get time but I am working 3 jobs right now. 70 hours a week leaves verrrrry little free time to entertain others. I have a new hobby called WORKING MY BUTT OFF. Anyway other than that not much has been happening, if you have some spare time and feel like getting TONS of energy, go to Shell and buy "Yellow Jacket" Extreme Energizer pills, they... well you just have to try them. Here is an idea for you people out there who do not leave tips when you eat at Dennys. KILL YOURSELF! WE ALL HATE YOU! You people are the assholes that make society crumble. Can't you understand that the tips you give out PAY me, I make no money otherwise! Jeez, even $1 is better than nothing, and stop pretending like you don't have the money, we give you your frikking change, don't be an ass! Ok, I am done with my little speech, so tip people. I understand if your server was an ass or something but otherwise there is no excuse. 

11 APR 2002    I wish to god that this would be my school someday! Don't you? Agh, maybe I will just get one of these... yeah that works!

09 APR 2002    Ok, so I know it has been a long time since I have posted but here! That is the honest to god truth about my wonderful NyQuil... I mean terrible.... yes.....

18 MAR 2002    Boof... anyway I don't think anyone cares anymore but I have been really busy lately, so sorry about the lack of posting. IM me on AIM: roasttchicken if you have any comments.

09 MAR 2002    At a lan party right now, whoopdewhoo. but I thought I should post this because it is funny. Incase you did not know SmarterChild is an AIM bot that tells you information based on keywords.

RoASt T ChicKeN: I had sex with your mother!
SmarterChild: Hi there, RoASt T ChicKeN!
Uh... please don't have sex with my mother.
RoASt T ChicKeN: NO I HAD sexual intercourse with your mother.
SmarterChild: Wait... You want to have sex with my mother?
RoASt T ChicKeN: Yes
SmarterChild: Whoa.
RoASt T ChicKeN: yup
SmarterChild: Yea.

So that's that, SmarterChild does not care that I had sex with its mother.

06 MAR 2002     The SWF's have been updated, have fun. Not much else to say, the YugoPC pictures will be going up soon. In case you do not know what the "YugoPC" is I will provide a brief explanation. Basically when you take the emblems off of a Yugo (Serbian-Croatian car made in the 80's) and put them on a heavily modded PC case that you have creatively painted to look like a Yugo, you get a YugoPC. Don't worry I am not totally insane, yet.

04 MAR 2002    Boof! check out this link here, now THAT is messed up.

01 MAR 2002     Happy march, one month closer to no more stinking snow. I hate snow, I hate winter, I hate michigan, BAH. That said I put up a partial isms page today.

28 FEB 2002    Going to put up the Ism's whenever I get around to it, and you know what? I would like some input on the site so please e-mail any comments of suggestions to Thanks.

25 FEB 2002    Decided not to do anything today, too busy with other meaningless crap.

22 FEB 2002    Decided to hook up the links to the shockwave vids. Took down the downloads section since I no longer have the space to host them (a whopping 20MB for everything, I had to put the swf's on another site). The Ism's should be up this coming week once I go get the text file we have been making. In the mean time there are some new games in the games section.

22 FEB 2002 has changed web servers and is now running on Angelfire. Sorry about the banners but hey, it IS free. The material which was hosted on that they had a problem with were the applications I was hosting. Apparently despite the fact that those applications were FREEWARE (or shareware) and thus freely distributable, they have policies forbidding such actions. So the simple solution for me is to find a webserver that does not have such lavish restrictions (I'm looking at overseas servers) which I may host files on. I should finish reconnecting the links soon for your viewing pleasure. I also have some new material to put up as well as new games. Enjoy.

20 FEB 2002    As you may or may not have noticed, has been down for the past 24 hours. My host disabled the domain the boof material is hosted on due to conflicts with the terms of use. The exact message goes as follows:

Your domain name was taken offline for the distirbution of illegal media and the renaming of downloadable media to a file name without an extension. Please contact our office after you have cleaned up the files and we will gladly bring your domain back online.

It has been reported that you may have illegal files on the Active Web
Hosting servers. Please review all the files that are loaded on the Active
Web Hosting servers. Remove all copyrighted material or material about
hacking or cracking from our servers. Active Web Hosting does not allow the distribution of copyrighted material unless you are the copyrighted owner of such material. You as the domain owner are personally responsible for actions that happen on your domain.

 Well I just have a FEW things to say about this. For one he spelled distribution wrong *snicker*, but I never hosted illegal media. All of the material on is freely available on the internet, I just brought it all together. To the best of my knowledge none of the anime episodes which I had on the server were licensed for distribution in the USA. The renaming of files to files with no extension was to the best of my knowledge not illegal by any means. Apparently somebody "reported" that I have "hacking" or "cracking" material on the site. All I can think of this referring to is the DVD "ripping" information I WAS going to put up. (legal note: DVD ripping is not an illegal practice for those people who possess the original DVD Movie) This software is freely available many places on the internet and is not illegal by any means. In fact just incase you have not seen them there are adds all over the internet advertising the ability to copy DVD's and they are SELLING the software that is freely available. I do not agree with Active Web Hosting Inc.'s policies and I suggest you boycott this company. I can bring up the legal issues if I must but quoting the constitution and legal cases tends to bore people.


I want food

Listening to:

The Cynic Project.


Why ephedrine is legal.




My sweat after skating 5 miles.

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