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Nearly every evening, strange circular spheres of light dance on the horizon of this tiny community in the western part of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and at one point seem to follow the pathway of electrical lines. The lights have been witnessed as being red, white, and green.These lights are not to be confused with the Northern Lights. They are a phenomenon that is unique. Some think it is simply the headlights of a passing car. That explanation would be fine except the lights have been seen way before automobiles were around.


Seismologists say a few earthquakes left small cracks in the ground that let out radioactive gases. That is an interesting explanation, but unprovable. Other scientists say it is only swamp gases but what about when the swamps are frozen and covered with a Yooper dose of snow? The light can still be seen in the winter months also.It's no surprise that the story that stuck involved a ghost. Is the light caused by a decapitated railroad watchman's lantern? Is it the mail carrier that was killed while crossing the swamp in the 1870's? Could it be an angry Native American chief upset about the power lines?


The lights have been captured on film by Michigan Magazine and Channel Six News out of Marquette. Experts from Ripley's Believe It Or Not have also been to the location to examine the phenomenon. At one time, Ripley's offered in excess of 100,000 dollars to the person or persons who could solve the bizarre light phenomenon.
The Michigan Forest service has put up signs, which indicate the best area from which the lights can be seen. So far, no logical conclusions have been reached.


This is the view during the day you would be able to see the lights off in the distance.


Headlights, ghosts, UFO's, swamp gases, or radioactive gases. The possibilities are endless. Everyone has a different idea. You be the judge!