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caa122380 (7:48:09 AM): hi
caa122380 (3:09:19 PM): hi hun

Auto response from MeanEgirl (3:09:19 PM): Yes, I know... I stayed up too late. What else is new?

caa122380 (3:24:31 PM): hi

Auto response from MeanEgirl (3:24:31 PM): Yes, I know... I stayed up too late. What else is new?

caa122380 signed on at 7:31:29 AM.
caa122380 signed off at 11:33:21 AM.
caa122380 signed on at 11:36:21 AM.
caa122380 (12:23:09 PM): hi

Auto response from MeanEgirl (12:23:09 PM): Zzz?

caa122380 (12:23:12 PM): o
MeanEgirl (12:44:38 PM): ...Hello.
caa122380 (12:44:54 PM): how are you?
MeanEgirl (12:45:05 PM): Not so bad. And yourself?
caa122380 (12:45:14 PM): good
MeanEgirl (12:45:29 PM): Mind my asking who you are?
caa122380 (12:46:02 PM): chris from myspace
MeanEgirl (12:46:35 PM): ahhh
MeanEgirl (12:46:37 PM): Okay :-)
caa122380 (12:47:52 PM): remember now?
MeanEgirl (12:48:01 PM): I do
caa122380 (12:48:26 PM): so your so far away now:-(
caa122380 (12:49:56 PM): bf?
MeanEgirl (12:50:12 PM): Nope.
caa122380 (12:50:18 PM): like guys?
caa122380 (12:52:42 PM): ?
MeanEgirl (12:53:52 PM): Some of 'em. :-P
caa122380 (12:54:57 PM): lol
caa122380 (12:55:07 PM): well when will u be home?
MeanEgirl (12:57:05 PM): I don't know exactly
MeanEgirl (12:57:09 PM): maybe sometime this summer
caa122380 (12:57:41 PM): and then make out?
caa122380 (12:57:42 PM): lol
MeanEgirl (12:58:02 PM): yeah right
caa122380 (12:58:12 PM): lol
caa122380 (1:00:01 PM): u there?
MeanEgirl (1:00:29 PM): I am
caa122380 (1:00:47 PM): i take that as a no then?
MeanEgirl (1:01:16 PM): Are you even being serious?
caa122380 (1:01:35 PM): yes
MeanEgirl (1:01:43 PM): Alright... well...
MeanEgirl (1:01:49 PM): let's think about this for a second...
MeanEgirl (1:02:22 PM): Why would some girl go home and start making out with a stranger she's never met before who is being a completely brainless jackass?
MeanEgirl (1:02:28 PM): Does that make any sense to you?
caa122380 (1:02:42 PM): BYE
caa122380 (1:02:47 PM): i am not an ass
MeanEgirl (1:02:51 PM): Yeah okay...
MeanEgirl (1:03:03 PM): Hey! Girl I've never met before... when you come home, do you wanna make out with me?
MeanEgirl (1:03:31 PM): Any response?
MeanEgirl (1:03:43 PM): If you want some loving, I can tell you that's not the way to get it.
caa122380 (1:03:59 PM): there is no way to get it at all
caa122380 (1:04:10 PM): try waiting over a year
MeanEgirl (1:04:32 PM): I think your best hope might be to pay.
MeanEgirl (1:04:56 PM): Did you seriously think I was going to come home and just start making out with you?
caa122380 (1:05:04 PM): no
MeanEgirl (1:05:49 PM): Then why did you ask?
MeanEgirl (1:06:00 PM): Thought maybe there was a slim chance?
caa122380 (1:06:18 PM): yeah i guise
caa122380 (1:08:45 PM): :-(
caa122380 (1:09:25 PM): but i not want some one who every time i try talken to them yells at me
caa122380 (1:09:50 PM): or ignores me
caa122380 (1:10:34 PM): fine bye
caa122380 (1:10:39 PM): i am done with games
MeanEgirl (1:10:43 PM): Games?
MeanEgirl (1:10:44 PM): Hah.
MeanEgirl (1:10:45 PM): Okay.
MeanEgirl (1:10:46 PM): Seeya.
caa122380 (1:10:49 PM): u should have noticed that in my profile
caa122380 (1:11:00 PM): there is no seeing me
MeanEgirl (1:11:03 PM): Guess I didn't look too closely.
caa122380 (1:11:11 PM): i aint into this hs shit
MeanEgirl (1:11:39 PM): Sure...
caa122380 (1:11:43 PM): i aint
MeanEgirl (1:11:47 PM): Again I say, "hey girl I just met, let's make out!"
caa122380 (1:11:55 PM): it's all women have pulled on me sence hs
caa122380 (1:12:01 PM): and it's nothen but shit
caa122380 (1:12:07 PM): no
MeanEgirl (1:12:07 PM): And I feel so bad for you too.
caa122380 (1:12:13 PM): whatever
caa122380 (1:13:51 PM): forget it u have your mind made up
MeanEgirl (1:14:04 PM): Gee, I don't know..
MeanEgirl (1:14:07 PM): I might be able to be swayed.
caa122380 (1:14:07 PM): your probubly just like the rest and i don't whant them back
caa122380 (1:14:28 PM): why so u can be a bitch
caa122380 (1:14:30 PM): no thanks
caa122380 (1:14:39 PM): i been threw that to many times
MeanEgirl (1:14:51 PM): I'm sorry that me not wanting to make out with you right when I get home makes me a bitch.
MeanEgirl (1:14:58 PM): No wonder why you're not successful with women.
caa122380 (1:15:03 PM): did i say right away
caa122380 (1:15:04 PM): NO
MeanEgirl (1:15:13 PM): Or anytime when I go home.
caa122380 (1:15:26 PM): yeah because they fucken runb everything in your fase
MeanEgirl (1:15:28 PM): That's the most PATHETIC attempt I've ever gotten. From ANY guy. EVER.
caa122380 (1:15:48 PM): bye i am done lisening to this shit
MeanEgirl (1:16:11 PM): Can't face the truth? That's too bad. If you start there, maybe you can make the appropriate changes.
caa122380 (1:16:25 PM): NO U NEED TO FUCKEN FACE THE TRUTH
caa122380 (1:16:30 PM): I NEVER SAID RIGHT AWAY
caa122380 (1:16:37 PM): DAM IT
MeanEgirl (1:16:43 PM): Okay, my mistake... not right away. We can wait a bit.
MeanEgirl (1:16:51 PM): I'll be home for like... a week and a half.
MeanEgirl (1:16:55 PM): Maybe we can do it on day three then.
caa122380 (1:17:05 PM): WHY SO U CAN BE MEAN
MeanEgirl (1:17:26 PM): I'm only being "mean" because you're unreasonable.
MeanEgirl (1:17:41 PM): Someone needs to help you get a grip on reality.
caa122380 (1:18:07 PM): i know reaqlity
caa122380 (1:18:22 PM): all full of women who wana hear what they wana hear rather then the truth
MeanEgirl (1:18:41 PM): Yeah... reality is.. I'm going to come home and start making out with a complete stranger.
caa122380 (1:18:54 PM): I NEVER FUCKEN SAID THAT
caa122380 (1:18:57 PM): BYE U BITCH
MeanEgirl (1:19:00 PM): Hehe
MeanEgirl (1:19:07 PM): You keep saying bye, yet you keep talking to me.
caa122380 (1:19:11 PM): IT AINT FUCKEN GFUNNY
MeanEgirl (1:19:15 PM): There are more on ignore??
MeanEgirl (1:19:17 PM): Wow...
caa122380 (1:19:23 PM): ALL MY X'S
MeanEgirl (1:19:26 PM): Probably get rejected a lot and can't handle it.
caa122380 (1:19:30 PM): WHO FUCKEN CHEATED ON ME
MeanEgirl (1:19:35 PM): I wonder how long those relationships lasted..
caa122380 (1:19:40 PM): BYE
caa122380 (1:19:45 PM): I AM DONE WITH THIS SHIT
MeanEgirl (1:19:48 PM): Bye :-)
caa122380 (1:20:00 PM): BUT NO U NOT GIVE A FUCK
MeanEgirl (1:20:07 PM): You need to learn how to spell.
caa122380 (1:20:13 PM): NO
MeanEgirl (1:20:35 PM): You must've been pissed this entire conversation then.
caa122380 (1:20:43 PM): BYE
MeanEgirl (1:20:47 PM): Bye again :-)
caa122380 (1:20:59 PM): i said bye
caa122380 (1:21:08 PM): get the fucken huint
MeanEgirl (1:21:12 PM): I know... like 50 times.
MeanEgirl (1:21:16 PM): You're the one that keeps coming back to me.
caa122380 (1:21:21 PM): then quit talken to me
MeanEgirl (1:21:27 PM): Alright...
MeanEgirl (1:21:33 PM): I'll say it again then. Goodbye. Have a nice day. :-)
MeanEgirl (1:21:42 PM): Better luck with the next random girl that you ask to make out with.
caa122380 (1:21:56 PM): beleave a lir if u wish
caa122380 (1:21:59 PM): lie
caa122380 signed off at 1:22:05 PM.