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Becky's Homepage

Checking to see if still can update 8-26-2010. Hi, My name is Becky, I am 32, 5'7", I have blonde hair, and beautiful blue eyes, and I live in the Grand Rapids area. I have now have pictures. They are of my husband John and myself. I hope you like my pictures.


If you have time to kill, and as long as you aren't preverted, I would like to hear from you, talk to you, and get to be friends with you on here. Also, I am hoping that you will chat with me (or us) if you see us on line. My chat name in yahoo chat sweetheart29gr. My husband's chat name is jaws2002gr. Just click on the red link to go to yahoo chat. Additionally, I would like to know what kind of things/stuff you like to do for fun.

My interests are:

walking, riding my bike, going to the movies, fishing, making arts and crafts, spending time with my husband,John and I love helping out with meals on wheels and God Kitchen too. I also love chatting in yahoo chat in both the Michigan and Christian chat rooms. I hope that we will be able to meet in chat, sometime in the near future. I would like to chat with you and find out what kind of things you like to do for fun. I like many different things, but I am so happy that I can help out at the church that I go to, like I do. And I thank GOD that I am around for a while until He takes me to heaven to be with Him and my parents. Well, as you can tell I also love animals like: cats, dogs, birds, deer, bunnys ect. I also love kids, teddy bears, angels, and of course God and Jesus too. Additionally another thing that I love is nature and everything with it such as: flowers, roses, rainbows, the beach,sea shells, the sky, the sun, etc., and all other different kind of stuff too.

This is what John (my husband and I are like together (laughs). We are so happy together and I hope that we will be together forever and ever. We got married April 4th, 2003. We should have some more of the wedding pictures up soon. I am so happy with him; I would not change that for anything inthe world. I love him with all of my heart and soul, and I hope that we will stay together forever and ever. We are both hoping and praying to have jobs close to where I live soon.

CLICK HERE to open my (our diary) with our love letters!

From: "becky" Subject: hi teddy bear To: "John" hi baby i just want to say that i love and still care about you i dont what to leave you anytime soon ilove you love becky

I love to work with kids and people that have learning disability like me. I hope to work or get a job in a church that haves people like me there to asist others, and so I can help out where I am needed all the time. I aso like working with the homeless people that dont have a place to live to help them find a place to sleep. And to let them know about the different missions, food pantrys, and free food places around here where they can go to get a hot meal and relax for a little bit.

Other interests,I like to help out and do what I (we) can to help out with the homeless, low income people that don't have much, and people that have kids. If you are poor and/or on the streets, or in the missions and that you need or could use some help with stuff or certain things and necessities in life. I myself love kids and working with them, and it doesn't matter if the kids are special (by that I mean handicapped physically or mentally). God created them all, and I love all of them. and another thing I also help out with Gods kitchen and Meals on wheels too.

I am working on Christmas prents for the little kids I just like going to church,singing, and praising the LORD and doing what I can to help the people that need help. God loves you and I do too. As I said I love going to church on SundaysI love God all the way. I am not telling you that you have to believe in God or his Son Jesus. You only do if you want to go to heaven. Jesus said in John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh to the Father except by me." However, I will not force my beliefs on you.

Whenever I have a guest come here and visit my homepage, I hope that you would be kind enough to sign my guestbook below, so I can find out any comments that you have and what you think about my page. Be sure to let me know your chat name in the guest book, so if I am in yahoo chat I would be able to chat with you sometime. My yahoo chat name is: sweetheart29gr. My husband John's chat name is jaws2002gr. John and I had broken up for a little while, basically 'cause things were a little stressful and he asked for space.
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I thought he was rejecting me but he wasn't. Unfortunatley my ex (Jeremy) got out of jail and found me the same night John asked for space. Anyways, for a week I tried to see if me and my other ex could work things out or not. And then I just found out that he (Jeremy) is in fact married to another lady. Anyways, I went back to John and I am so happy to back with John and I hope that we stay together forever. I know that I love John with all my heart and soul. I miss John when he is gone.

I gave two kids that were in need, some shoeboxs filled with little clothes and stuff. They were happy and I was happy too.They were there in church at the time and I gave them to a little girl and a little boy. I hope that I can do that next year the same time that I did this year. God is in my heart now and I hope that he keeps on working in my life.

John and I are so happy together that I would be lost with out him in my life. I would not let him go if even my life depended on it. He means the world to me. I don't know what I would do without him. Because with out him or when he is not around, I look and am so sad and blue. With out him, my days would be blue and gray. we just got married april4 2003 we are still be in love as much as we were when we first went out and that I will stil be loving him as much as I do now and forever and ever.

If you would like to send me mail, my email is

or you can just click on the link below at the bottom of the page to send me mail. Thank you.
Hope you write me with your coments soon.

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