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The Room of Requirement

The webmistress writes her own fan fiction and posts it here. The webmistress does not own Harry Potter. She only owns her plots and her characters that aren't in the books. The author(s)only do this for a hobby.Thank you for coming to my site.

- Phoenix Phyre

Book From The Future.
CHAPTER ONE UP!!!! In the summer before their 7th year,the Marauders get their hands on book three. How will they react? Click the link to find out.Includes Romance, Mystery and all the good things people love. Rated PG to PG-13 because of people's tempers. WARNING: AU due to Order of the Phoenix!!!

Harry Potter and the Prophesy of the Founding Four

Kiss The Girl.
NEW STORY!!!! In his 7th year, Ginny's 6th, Harry comes to terms with his feelings about the youngest Weasley. With help from a song from Disney's The Little Mermaid, will the two come together? Rated G.


Harry is 30. And unmarried. Which means to his godfather that he’s way over due to continue the Potter line. His godfather’s children did all the right thing- married purebloods and contiued the family lines. Even his best friends had done it. So his godfather wonders: What will become of Harry?Then one day as he was sitting down for breakfast, he sees the most wonder girl on earth and relizes that the only way his life will get better is if he gets away from his big fat Hogwarts family. Hary escapes from the limiting walls of Hogwarts. He stops teaching DADA and goes to work in a Joke Shop in Hogsmeade and loosens up just in time for “her” to come back in his life.Hermione Granger is a bookworm and beauty but definitly not a pureblood. Their courtship is a clash in Harry’s godfather’s mind. Can Hermione handle Harry, his godparents, fellow teachers, friends, and several centuries of Hogwarts heritage? Will Harry discover the love he’s been missing right in the heart of his big fat family? One thing is for sure, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, with Hermione’s proposal, Harry is headed for his big, fat Hogwarts wedding.

More stories are on their way!!!! Stay Tuned!!

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