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Alexandria (Alex) Miller
Friday, 13 August 2004

Whoo hoo! It's Friday. I am glad that I will have a few days away from my "normal routine." It will be nice to not have too much to do this weekend. I'm not realy sure what I am going to do. I was planning on going out with some friends tonight, but the ones that I like have to work late or they're out of town. Tomorrow one of my friends is moving, maybe I'll go see if he needs help packing. If I don't do anything, I will probably just end up staying at home and maybe practicing my piano sheet music.

Posted by mi4/alexmiller49012 at 4:31 PM EDT
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Thursday, 12 August 2004

I was watching "School of Rock" the other day. It's funny because I have a friend that reminds of the character that Jack Black plays!! Anyway, does anyone know if they published any piano sheet music for that movie?!? I mean, of the songs that are originals - like the ones the kids play in the Battle of the Bands contest.

Posted by mi4/alexmiller49012 at 6:33 PM EDT
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Monday, 9 August 2004

I saw The Village and the guy from the Pianist played a peculiar role. I think I might have fell asleep during that movie (Pianist). I guess he must have done a pretty good job, I mean, he did win an Oscar. I saw the piano sheet music for that movie's soundtrack... there was a lot of black ink on it. I wonder how long it would take me to learn to play that piano sheet music..

Posted by mi4/alexmiller49012 at 5:31 PM EDT
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Friday, 6 August 2004

I didn't find any piano sheet music for the Lunch Lady Land song.. but I did realize something. Later on in the song, it talks about how the Lunch Lady marries the Sloppy Joe and they have 6 kids. That's a little weird.:)

Posted by mi4/alexmiller49012 at 3:41 PM EDT
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Thursday, 5 August 2004

Then one morning, I woke up to see, all the Pepperoni Pizza was a lookin' at me! It said "Why do you burn me and serve me up cold?" I said "I got the spatula, just do what you're told!" - This is an excerpt from one of Adam Sandler's songs. It's called "Lunch Lady Land." If anyone can tell me where I could find piano sheet music or maybe come guitar chords or something for this song, or any of his songs, let me know!!

Posted by mi4/alexmiller49012 at 2:31 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 3 August 2004

I'm back from "vacation" and I am doing great! I was able to go and hang out with some kids at a church camp this past week,and I had a great time. We sang a lot of songs, played games, and at night, we talked around a campfire. It was neat to see how different kids from different backgrounds really came together to make it an awesome week. When I got home, I realized that before camp I had been running around the house trying to get stuff together and I left it a mess! There were cloths that were thrown on my bed and piano sheet music on the floor. I didn't get a chance to rest because I was too busy cleaning up. Note to self: be more organized and get ready early for camp next year!!

Posted by mi4/alexmiller49012 at 11:43 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 21 July 2004

YEAH!! Yesterday I went to the local christian book store, where they sell CDs too! I found the current Rachel Lampa album's piano sheet music, and I also found out that she is coming out with a new CD next week! It will have songs that she wrote too. I always like it when artists contribute more than just their voice to their music, like writing a song, or playing one of the instruments in the band.

Posted by mi4/alexmiller49012 at 5:44 PM EDT
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Monday, 19 July 2004

I found some piano sheet music for my friend who is going to sing at church! I couldn't find the song that she wanted, but I heard another song by Rachel Lampa that I thought would be a great song for her to sing. It's called "Give Your Heart Away". The words and the music are awesome. If you haven't heard it, you are missing out.

Posted by mi4/alexmiller49012 at 3:43 PM EDT
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Friday, 16 July 2004

I have been sooooo busy this week. I think I have done a good job of not stressing out about it though. I just have to get a bunch of stuff done at work and at home. Relatives came to visit yesterday. I have a concert to go to tonight. I have a baby shower and a wedding to go to on Saturday. I need to look for some piano sheet music for one of my friends who is going to sing at church next month. The list goes on and on and on. Oh well, gotta get back to my list of stuff to do.

Posted by mi4/alexmiller49012 at 1:21 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 13 July 2004

I like piano sheet music! It is so much fun to play and practice. I have a large collection of piano sheet music.

Posted by mi4/alexmiller49012 at 12:35 PM EDT
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