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Parents against sexual abuse in schools

Just recently one of my daughters was "fondled" by one of her classmates, right in front of a teacher who claims he never saw anything, and at that point I decided to pull her from that school, and talk with the principal about it. The result was nothing happened to the perpretator. At this time, there are 2 rapes on record at that school.

I understand with the school systems today, it is rather dificult for a teacher to "babysit" students all of the time, however they should be watching for things like this. But at the same time, we as parents should take responsibility for our children, and teach, no pound it into thier heads that that is NOT acceptable.

I had also talked with a prosecuting attorney, and was informed that there is NO Guarantee for a "safe educational environment" for students. This is a thing I do not understand. We get our pocket books "raped" for tax monies to keep the schools going, but yet they do not have to answer for what they consider a trivial thing. I am now trying to set up a resource center for things like this.

It really freaks me out that if a kid goes to school, and hand an aspirin to a co-student, they are a drug dealer... if a kid takes a butter knife to school, (to cut a brownie) they have brought a weapon to school. They are then expelled.
What I am trying to have happen is a ZERO tolerance of this behavior allowed in schools.

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