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All About Me
All About Me .... Abigail!!!

Well, all of you should know about me, or at least know me. If you don't, well then you obviously got this link from someone that does. Which I most certainlly don't have a problem with at all. So go ahead and click around and stuff!

I guess I'll just list the basics here. My name is Abigail. All of you know my last name and hopefully very few of you know my middle name since I really don't like it to begin with. I go to Michigan State University ... GO SPARTANS! My birthday is October 11th 1983. My favorite color is ... here's a suprise, purple. I'd list off more things but then you guys will start acing my online quiz ... and we can't have that now can we? :-) Although here are some things I'm sure you guys do want to know if you don't have this stuff already ...

AIM: msuGOPgirl