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Breed Standard

Poodles are one of the oldest known breed to man. It's true origins goes back so back it is really impossible to pinpoint a certain time or place. Early as 30 A.D. Poodle-like dogs appeared on carvings in Roman tombs and on Greek and Roman Coins. We know that the first printed reference to the poodle was Conrad Gesner in 1953. The fifteenth century refers to Poodles  in both writing and art, from France, Holland and Italy. The art of that time portrayed the Poodle in trims similar to todays traditional show trims. The three countries that contributed most to promoting the breed were Russia, France and Germany. The Russian Poodle was described as being somewhat Greyhound-like in body type. The German Poodle had a more thickset and had a wooly coat texture. It was here that the two different coat types -- curly and corded -- were noted.  Where the Poodle got his name; Pudel (Canis Familiaris Aquatius), or "water dog" in Germany; the Caniche (chien canard). or "duck dog" in France;  in England, the Poodle, "splash in water"; when they became popular in Holland and Belgium they were know as "Poedels" all these names have been given to the breed we know as the Poodle. All of the Poodle's ancestors were good swimmers. The first documented reference dated 1642.

In France, where this breed is the national dog. The Poodle was found in several forms. There was a small dog known as Petit Barbet, it has been suggested that it might have resulted from the influence of dogs such as the Toy Spaniel and the Maltese. The Caniche was a larger dog and was used for duck hunting. It is suggested it may have gotten it's size and sturdiness from the influence of Spaniel. The similarity of the poodle today and the Irish Water Spaniels remains evident. Then there was the Truffle Dog who was used to ferret out tiny morsels sought after for the unique flavors they provided the French cooks.

The poodle begin to achieve popularity in Britain by the end of the 19th century. The first poodle was registered with the AKC in 1890 but, but breed didn't really achieve popularity until after World War 2. When they were considered extremely fashionable. By the 1960's they were the most popular breed in America and maintained that distinction for an unprecedented 23 consecutive years. In 1994 the poodle was the 5th most commonly registered breed by the AKC, attesting to it's continued popularity.