About Me:
About me
My real name is Andrew L. DuBuc, and I'm 18 years old. I live in Michigan in the United States. I really like to listen to music and work on computers, especially internet-related things, so when I can take the opertunity to mix them together, we come up with this site. My e-mail is MeccaYdna@aol.com, and I do not check the ydna@herzeleid.net address anymore, that is listed on many pages. Don't e-mail me at ydna@herzeleid.net because I probably won't read it.

I know some German; enough to translate lyrics and do things like that (with the help of my trusty dictionary). I also speak French, and am studying Latin.

Ever since the release of Mutter in 2002 the site hasn't seen many updates. In the near future, once Mein Tiel is released, I may or may not decide to translate the lyrics, given Jobarr's switch over to Rammstein's management. I will, however, tab the songs to the best of my ability.