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Many may be asking who is this “Claire” that there are so many stories I am reading? Well she is my creation, my creative outlet into the marvel world. Someone who no one else can tell me I am portraying her wrong, or tell me she wouldn’t do that; because I made her. I can make her do anything I want. But since the rest of you don’t know her as well as I do here are some stats for you to make everything a little bit clearer.

The Claire Files

Updated: 10/18/01
Name: Claire (last name unknown)

Height: 5’5”

Hair: Blue/Black

Eyes: Light Blue

Place of Origin: Unknown

Parents: Logan (AKA Wolverine), mother unknown.

Occupation: Currently a reluctant member of the mutant renegade team the X-Men.

Abilities: Heightened senses, healing factor,spines that pertrude from arms and legs that are able to emit a nerotoxin, and physical adaptability to environment. These are the abilities that Claire has thus far displayed, Professor Xavier suspects that there are more.

Criminal Record: Numerous accounts of murder and terrorism previously housed in a maximum-security facility for the criminally insane before her escape and affiliation with the X-men. The rest is currently unknown.

Relationships: Updated: 12/17/00 Claire is not close to her father Logan, and rebuffs all of his advances to become part of her life. She has a psychic link with Cable that was accidentally established during a battle. As a result of that link Professor Charles Xavier has had limited results helping her piece together her fractured mind. The people currently closest to her are Cable, and Jubilee. Cable has been using their link to help her cope with her new living situations, and unbeknownst to him she is able to use his powers of telepathy to a limited extent with out his knowledge. Claire has taken to protecting Jubilee, although they have an antagonistic relationship, because she does not want Jubilee to turn out like her.
02/27/01 There have been advancements with her relationships with the team. Not only is she closer to Jubilee, but the reappeance of Scott has brought another person, Dim, whom she spends much of her time with. The discovery of her unique abilities after her rescue of Jubilee have made her a more dangerous adversary and a more valuable teammate. Now if only she would cooperate things would flow much smoother.
03/37/01 Remy and Claire seem to have started a liason, however where it will go with the recent war having broke out is anybodies guess.
09/10/01Charles is missing, and the missing Claire is the only one who knows where he is, however does she even remember that information or has the stress of the bombing driven her over the edge? The X-men will have to wait until she is free of Gerald to see if she is even still the woman they remember her to be, or if her new found power has changed her indefinatly.

First Appearance: Thicker than Blood, October of 2000

Story Lines:(in order)
Thicker than Blood, Angst
Damn Aborigine, Adventure
A New Day, Angst
A Top Secret Mission, Humor
Perperations, Adventure
Resurrecting the Dream, Adventure
Updated 6/03/01
Heroes Angst
Daddie's Little Girl Angst

Updated 09/10/01
Redemption Adventure/Angst

Other stories: (In order, important to read!)
Punch Line, Angst
Charlie, Angst

Claire Files

10/01/01 As you may know the Claire files is a seperate storline from the one on the site, and if you don't well you do now! So here I'm going to attempt to keep a log of what has happened so those of you just joining us, or those who are returning, can catch up to what has been happening! The Claire Files legacy started in Home Coming, this is where Claire and Misty first met. Misty was the valley girl who was coming into the big leagues, Claire was a home run hitter who fought with the umpires.

Who would have thought that two totally different people could have become friends? Well the people around them certianly didn't think it was a good idea. Misty's friends and family did thier best to ensure that they didn't get close, but fortunalty it didn't work. It was Misty who was able to crack through her thorny exterior and let her know that it was ok to be human, it was fine to have flaws, and most of all it wasn't a weakness to love and be loved.

It wasn't easy at first, and she ran, still feeling that she was not worthy to be loved, why else would everyone leave her? She ended up in New Orleans where Belle found her and tried to auction her off to the highest bidder among her enemies. It was amongst them that she found Gerald, or more accuratly Gerald found her. What did her husband from a life she didn't remember want from her?

It was after this that Claire started to accept the love of those around her, mainly Remy's. However when he attacked Misty they broke it off and Nathan Summers saw his chance and stepped in. It was a bumpy ride getting there, however once they were together they found peace and comfort in each other. Yet as love and fate has proven again and again, it will not be denied. Remy saw what he gave up, he had walked away from love and was determined to get it back, and for at least one night he did.

Claire started to feel that she sabatoged everything good in her life, however the worst was yet to come. Although Nathan did not know of her infidelity, the knowledge they uncovered that said that Claire would one day become Akasha, the creator of the cult that raised Cable, killed his wife, and destroyed his world was a strong blow to deal with. However with much introspection they pulled through it together.

Until they discovered after Sarah's attack on Claire that she was pregnant, at which time Claire had to admit what had happened between Remy and herself. Nathan lashed out, and this brought to the surface memories of her life with Gerald that Charles Xacier and Sath Green had been trying hard to recover. They were memories of pain and abuse from a life she no longer remembered, and they happened to a woman she no longer was.

After this her relationship's with both men veered wildly from day to day, as they each lashed out and hurt each other, until the day that the child was born. Sarah, who had control of Misty's body, had met up with Gerald and they had captured Jhono and were holding him hostage. The X-men do not leave one of thier own behind so they went in to rescue him. It was then that she gave birth to a baby a girl, whom she named Diedre. However her joy was short lived as Gerald and Sarah shot Claire and took the newborn.

After this Claire was closer to the edge than she had ever been since her arrival at Xavier's school. She tried to kill Misty, she lashed out again at those around her, pushing them away and pushing the pain inside. Finally it was too much for her and she had a psychotic episode in which she kidnapped Charles Xavier and tried to kill the X-men. However it was a blessing in disguise, it allowed Charles to see how much pain she was really in, and allowed Misty to help attone for what she had done.

Soon after she took a position as a teacher at Snow Valley, needing time away from both Remy and Nathan after she told them who the father was -- Remy. She began to fear that Gerald would be the only one who would ever accept her as she was, and would tell her it was alright to be that way. It was here that Misty and Claire started to patch up their broken friendship, and thus could start to put thier lives back together. Claire realized that although she cared for Nathan, and although Remy would always be her true love, she needed to heal herself before she could be with either of them.

What will happen between Sarah and Claire? Will Claire turn to Gerald? What will happen with Remy and Nathan? And will Claire and Misty's friendship with stand Claire's fury and revenge against her sister?

10/18/01 The return of Diedre has brought a new bought of problems. Claire realizes that she knows nothing about being a mother and fears her short comings will have an adverse affect on her daughter. Mean while something else is going on at the mansion and with the X-men. Is it an external force or is the team coming apart at the seams?

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