-Opportunities -

{The RCW cameras start filming as we see “The Illusionist” Alex Crowe sitting in his hotel room. Unlike usual, there are no crowds surrounding him, watching his every move. Alex sits alone on his bed, flipping through a deck of cards. He wears jeans and a dark red short sleeved shirt. He looks over and nods at the camera.}

Alex Crowe: School of Hard Knocks is only days away, the event that is being billed as one of RCW's biggest events. An event so massive, so much importance involved... it will be taking place at two separate venues. Two huge Championship main events that are headlining the show... Doug Gavelon defends his Natural Championship against Chris Sinclair, and the big one: Ase defends the Southern Heritage Title against Jeffrey Hollywood in a ladder match. There's the ten thousand dollar Mr. Hog Wild Battle Royal, and then there are three matches that hold much significance.

{Alex continues to shuffle the cards, without looking away from the camera.}

Alex Crowe: Three matches will take place at School of Hard Knocks, where the winners of those matches get the opportunity to earn the number one contendership to the Natural Title. The man known only as “H” will take on Lee Jackson, Nebula takes on Karl O' Sullivan, and then Brett Johnson steps into the ring one more time against “The Illusionist” Alex Crowe. Those of us who earn the victories Sunday night, will go onto Southern Dynamite to compete in an triple threat match, the winner of that match gets to face whoever holds that Natural Championship after School of Hard Knocks.

I could easily lose focus by worrying about the other four men involved in these matches, but what good would that serve? How would concerning myself with who will win the other two matches that I'm not even competing in, help me achieve victory in my own match? The answer is simple... it wouldn't. I have to put those other four competitors in the back of my mind and let them battle it out among themselves. I'll concern myself with the winners when, or if I am victorious in my match against Brett Johnson. As of this very moment... those other four individuals are nothing more than a mere after thought.

{Alex stops shuffling the cards and tosses the top four cards off the deck, and onto the floor, one by one. The camera focuses down on the cards as each one has landed face up, all four are Jacks. The camera focuses back on Crowe, who has gone back to shuffling the cards remaining in his hands. He smirks at the camera.}

Alex Crowe: Recently, several opportunities have opened up for myself... my non-title match against Doug Gavelon, where I was able to start earning the respect of the fans, and my fellow competitors. Then at this past Southern Dynamite, I had the opportunity to team with Doug and face Chris Sinclair and Brett Johnson. Again, I believe I earned some more respect as I was able to score the victory against Brett for Gavelon and myself. Sometimes in life, you just have to be patient and wait for the right opportunities to present themselves. That is exactly what I have been doing here in Razorback Championship Wrestling.

When I first debuted in RCW, the critics saw me a joke, the guys in the back never took me seriously inside the ring because of my “illusionist” background. I'm starting to believe all that is changing, because another opportunity has been presented to me. I am starting to turn the critics into believers, and I will continue to do so at School of Hard Knocks when I step back into the ring against Brett Johnson, only this time it shall be one-on-one.

As grateful as I am for this opportunity to advance to the triple threat, number one contendership match, apart of me wonders if this is real? In just a manor of weeks I have start climbing the ladder of success, even though I have tasted the bitter sweetness of defeat. That's right, my loss to Doug was bitter sweet, because yes being defeated stung... but earning respect and starting to prove myself as a serious competitor tasted oh so sweet.

Sunday night Brett, you and I will compete inside the ring again. We won't have partners to rely on however, and I've got to question your frame of mind at the moment. You were showing signs of doubt before the tag match, even your own partner voiced those concerns, and thus far, we haven't heard a word from you since that match. Where's your mind at Brett? Questioning where or not you belong here in RCW? Wondering if you even belong in this business anymore? Getting denied victories week after week starting to take it's toll on you mentally? I'll admit, you have a lot of ability in that ring, but I believe your mind is starting to cause you to lose the mental game.

Despite your recent low stride, I hope you renew yourself with the opportunity that is being handed to you. Anybody could have been put in this match, any single guy in the back could have been given the opportunity that was given to you. However, you've got to respect this opportunity and not let it go to waste. I really hope you get yourself straightened up, get your mind focused, and bring the very best you've got to School of Hard Knocks. I do not want to beat a guy who was already defeated before even stepping through the ropes. I want to earn this shot Brett, by bringing the fight to you, and having the fight brought to me. I want to over come the odds, I want to know I beat a worthy opponent to move onto that triple threat match.

Brett, this is your chance to change things. You're upset about losing, then do something about it. Step up your game and bring it to the ring on Sunday night. Give me the challenge I know you can give me, otherwise why even bother? If you're not willing to give it your absolute best inside the ring, don't even lace up your boots. If you aren't willing to take full advantage of the opportunities presented to you, then just put your boots on the shelf and step away from this business, so somebody who IS willing to give it their all can have their opportunity to succeed.

I want nothing more than to advance to the Contendership match, and be victorious there so I can finally have a shot at that Natural Championship, but I want a worthy victory. I don't want the match just handed to me Brett, look inside yourself and find the passion I'm sure you once had for this business. Fuel that passion Brett, and come to School of Hard Knocks with a renewed spirit, and a new fire for success. Otherwise, you will suffer the same fate you did at Southern Dynamite. The choice is yours Brett, I hope you make the right one.

{Alex stops shuffling the cards and moves to the edge of the bed, never once taking his eyes off the camera.}

Alex Crowe: Sunday night, I will take full advantage of this opportunity by gaining the victory and advancing to the Triple Threat Contendership match. Some of you out there may still not believe I have the ability to succeed in this business, but you've got to remember what I do best...

{Crowe smirks.}

Alex Crowe: I make people believe the unbelievable!

{With that, Crowe flicks the deck of cards at the camera. All of the cards hit and then fall to the floor, except for one card that sticks to the lens... “Ace of Spades”. Finally the card slides down and the lens is clear, however Alex Crowe is nowhere to be seen as the hotel room is empty. The camera begins to fade as the camera man mumbles: “Impossible”.}

{Fade to black}