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This is my links page. You can get your link on my page, just e-mail me your site's URL and name, and I'll put it up... (We will exchange links..) blah blah blah.. Now for the links.. - Click here now..
-Darkseed's Rammstein Page - Tons of Rammstein stuff..
-Rammstein - Behind Closed Doors - Occasionally hilarious Rammstein parody..
-Google - Bestest search engine alive.
-CoolText - Good clean fun.
-UMX Palace - Go here to d/l the crappy techno music used in my UT levels.
-Travlang Dictionaries - Translations... It's even got Esperanto..
-GameFAQs - Extremely cheap way to beat video games..
-GSCCC - An even more cheaper way to beat video games..
-Hotmail - E-mail for cool people..
-Final Fantasy Online - Overly detailed stuff for all Final Fantasy games..
-Audiogalaxy - If you don't feel like paying 19 bucks for a CD...
-PlanetUnreal - Way too much crap about Unreal Tournament..
-Tactical Ops - Very good UT mod.
-Clan NC website - My UT clans' website.
-Jackhole's Site of Stupidity - I recommend this site.
-Miznix's Chihuahuas - If you like Chihuahuas, then you'll love this site. - Hackr86's techno remix homepage
-Ranky's Maps - Updated daily..
-(Your Site here) - E-mail me w/ a link... we'll go from there..