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The Lockhead U2 spy plane was an ultralight glider-like plane designed by theLockheed Skunk Works sight. It was flown over Russia and took pictures. The plane was made of material so fragile that as the plane took off, the wings would bend and flap so much that the pilot believed they would snap clean off. Originally, it was hoped that the plane could fly high enough that the Russians could not detect it. As it turned out, although the Russians could see the U2, it flew so high that it was out of range of their missiles and there was nothing they could do about it.

Because the Russians could not shoot it down, the U2 flew freely over all of Russia for four years taking pictures of all the Russians' high security military equipment. Finally, after four years of providing the US with the most valuble information during the entire Cold War, the plane was shot down. But surprisingly, it was not actually shot down by the Russians. The Russians sent up a plane of their own to try and shoot it down. The plane shot straight up but it still could not reach the U2. At the same time the Russains were firing missiles at the U2. None of the missiles could hit the U2 but one did hit the Russian plane! It exploded and the shock waves broke off the U2's fragile wings. The Russains captured the pilot and plane ending the missions over Russia for the U2.


above top secret

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Conor Riordan
Brandon Williamson