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Lose Weight! Feel Great!

A man named Mark Hughes began Herbalife 21 years ago! Mark watched as his mother struggled with one diet after another in an effort to reach her "ideal weight," as so many people do. Tragically, however, Jo Ann Hughes died after following a number of unhealthy diets. She was only 36. Mark decided that no one should have to suffer because they felt overweight. He set out to create a safe weight-loss method based on sound nutrition rather than medicine. This is how Herbalife began...Today Herbalife is in 51 countries, helping everyone WORLDWIDE to become healthy!

This was me at 200Lbs!!!

Thank you for visiting and taking your health SERIOUSLY! My name is Sarah, and I went on the Herbalife products in 1998. At which time I weighed in at 200lbs! My tight size 16 was so bad I almost had to go to a 18! I was so unhealthy, my eating habits were horrible, I was tired ALL the time, and I never wanted to go out since I was so self concious! My then boyfriend, Craig (now my husband), introduced me to the products. Once I started I felt an AMAZING difference! I had more energy! My skin started feeling healthier! And best of all during my first two weeks I lost 8Lbs! I couldn't believe it, once that weight started coming off I just HAD to keep going. Over the next 12 weeks I lost a total of 40Lbs, and a total of 23 inches overall!!! 23 INCHES IS ALMOST 2 WHOLE FEET OF FLAB!!!! Now I wear a size 10 and I weigh 150lbs! The additional 10lbs came off as I am now on the maintance plan of the program! I absolutely LOVE these products! I AM a product of the Herbalife products!!! You HAVE to try these for yourself!!


NOW at 150lbs!!!

If you need to lose weight, need more energy, or know someone who does please email me at

I will be MORE than happy to speak to you about the products and how WE can help YOU acheive your weight loss goals!


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