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Mysteries by Ronald Clair Roat

Welcome to Stuart Mallory Mysteries, the home of one of Michigan's best known fictional private eyes. Mallory prowls the mean streets of Lansing, the state's capitol city, as well as the mean towns, beaches, forests, and sandwich shops of the Great Lakes. You can often find him in his postage stamp office located in a tired business district outside downtown Lansing reading the Lansing State Journal or the Detroit Free Press. As do most good private eyes, Mallory distrusts authority, suspects evil rests within concentrated power, and loves a woman probably too good for him. The beautiful Patty Bonicelli captivates him with her uncomplicated but lawyerly sense of humor. Each would have no other. Mallory is an unenthusiastic but decorated veteran of Vietnam where he flew helicopters.

The Mysteries:
Close Softly the Doors
A Still and Icy Silence
High Walk

Stuart Mallory is the creation of Michigan native Ronald Clair Roat and is
published by Story Line Press in Ashland, Oregon.

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Stuart Mallory mysteries. Please browse through the links on this page, send us a comment,
and perhaps order a book through any major bookseller. Good plot ideas are welcome
and might be rewarded by a dozen day-old donuts.