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King's Courtship

chor. by Lady Aine ingen in baird, to the second part of the tune "Coronation Banquet" from the soundtrack to "Elizabeth"
Note: there is basically no intro


Begin with four couples in a line, partners facing


  • each couple arms right (4 beats)
  • each couple arms left (4 beats)
  • note that all arming in this dance is done with the hands down

verse 1:

  • 1st and 2nd couples pivot to the left to form a line facing left side of hall (4 beats)
  • at same time, 3rd and 4th couples pivot to the right to form a line facing right side of hall
  • each line does a hay until back in original places in line (12 beats)
    begin hay by having partners face each other and pass right shoulders

repeat chorus

verse 2:

  • 1st and 3rd couples pivot back, ending facing down the hall as 2nd and 4th couples pivot back, ending facing up the hall (4 beats)
    there should now be two sets of couples forming squares
  • lords take right hands, turn 1 1/2 times ending in other's place (4 beats)
  • all take hands and turn a half circle (4 beats)
  • ladies take right hands, turn 1 1/2 times ending in other's place
    all should be in original places in square (4 beats)

repeat chorus

verse 3: (note that verse 3 is twice as long as all other verses)

  • inner couples form arch; outer couples go through arch, split, and go back to place (4 beats)
  • outer couples form arch; inner couples go through arch, proceed to their right,
    and come around so that all dancers are forming one big circle (4 beats)
  • all take hands and take four grapevine steps to the left (4 beats)
  • all take four grapevine steps to the right (4 beats)
  • ladies go into center of circle, turn left-hand star (8 beats)
  • ladies turn lords into circle, lords turn left-hand star and return to place (8 beats)

repeat chorus

verse 4:

  • starting with head couple, each couple crosses (female sailor-style) and goes around couples
    on their sides back to place; after four beats, the next couple goes (in clockwise order
    from head couple) (20 beats total)
  • note that each couple has 5 beats to return to place, so they do not have to be back in
    place before the next couple goes

repeat chorus

verse 5:

  • 1st and 2nd couples form a line facing down the hall as 3rd and 4th couples
    form a line facing up the hall (the two lines should be facing each other) (4 beats)
  • 1st - 2nd couple line pivots backward around 2nd lord (now forming a line facing
    left side of hall) as 3rd - 4th couple line pivots backward around 3rd lord (now
    forming a line facing right side of hall)
    2nd lord and 3rd lord should now be shoulder to shoulder (4 beats)
  • 1st and 2nd lords pivot as 3rd and 4th ladies pivot (all couples are now facing
    head of hall)
    all couples should now be where they originally started the dance (4 beats)
  • each couple arms right (4 beats)
  • each couple arms left (4 beats)
  • reverance (2-3 beats)