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Bard Dance
Chor. by Lady Aine ingen in baird, to the tune "Bard Dance" by Enya

(2 couples facing) ln4-

Verse 1
  • Forward and back a double
  • (facing partner) Do-Si-Do right with your partner
  • Side right with partner; turn halfway while
    Shoulder-to-shoulder, continuing back
  • Taking hands with partner, turn clockwise 1 1/4 times
    ending with women back to back in middle (facing men)


  • Inside dancers turn in place
  • Partners take right hands, step together and back
  • Inside dancers switch places (going left)
  • New partners take right hands, step together and out to
    re-form square

Verse 2

  • Same as verse one but turning counterclockwise 1 1/4 times,
    ending with men back to back in middle (facing women)

Repeat chorus

Verse 3

  • Forward and back a double
  • Do-Si-Do right with partner, ending with reverance