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~*MeOw Im CaT*~

UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I decided 2 take the time 2 make an "about me" section on my page (plus i'm supossed 2 be working on a research paper and don't want 2). Well I'm Cat or some of u might know me as Kitty, Freaky psycho bitch, crazy stalker girl, Niff (which i would really like it if the nerd bergade would stop with that), LaPat-Me, slut, bacon bits whore, s2pid, and many more. Well lets start with the basics, i'm a 16 y/o chick who unfortunatly is trapped in suburbia (da hillz of farmington, MI) where every 1 is a Jappy rich snob and "if u die ur hair the color of tha rainbow ur automatucally satan"- kirtsen vestrand. I'm the youngest in my family of 3 girls and my 'rents. I live with my parents and the rat (my sister) who constantly snoop, tattle, and yell at me. I got my own room a while back and have been working on decorating it. i must say its come out pretty well. I'm a sophmore at the worst high school possibly imagined, North Farmington (if my name was Theresa I'd be popular 2), where i must constantly avoid contact with the "kingdom of ass" and make sure i don't get caught by my sister while skipping class. (well not this year cuz she graduated woo!)I'm really short (5 feet) and my favorite color is blue, I like Cookies~n~cream icecream (Marissa's brother has a cookies n cream dick)and enjoy reading those boppy magazines while i'm on the pot. I have a b/f named Rob and he has a hole in his chest that i can fit my whole boob in! He's pretty rockin! Plus he's scrawney (just the way i like 'em!)I like going 2 concerts/shows, hanging around the mall, bowling, and sleeping. I'm Starting a zine w/Gina and we call it "The Norfkins" if u'd like a copy email me Pfff, me and gina r lazy asses and never really finished our first issue so umm...we suck!

I'm a big fan of TV! I like 2 watch cartoons such as The PowerPuff girls & Pokemon. Bubbles is my favorite "powder"puff girl (hey look i'm becky!) and Jiggly Puff is my fav pokemon! Oddish & Vulpix are up their too! My favorite anime's are Sailormoon and Magic Knights Rayearth. (wow can we say typical trendy anime chick?) I think Dragon ball Z is absolutly evil and deserves 2 die. God damn it 2 hell! I love movies like Willy Wonka, The Dark Chrystal, Cruel intentions, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Clerks, Dogma, Trainspotting, and the Labrynth. David Bowie is absoultly godly and Audrey Hepburn & Shirly Manson are My Idles. For all of u ppl who have no idea what i'm talking about NO Shirly is NOT related 2 Marlyn Manson and i'm NOT gothic. "I just don't like her because she's too gothic" -Jon Moll. I can't stand Metal music and hate when ppl at my school assume i like Mettalica (and NO Rancid is NOT a metal band!). I have a fear of ET, feet, spiders, and the giant chicken in the muppet camping special. ET lives in my mom's closet and behind the furnace in my basement. He was finageling around in the audoturium the last time sadler, luchtel, and I skipped. My grandma thinks ET has a cute shaped head but she's a whole nother story that i'll get 2 in a bit. Feet are absolutly disgusting. I think sandals are a terrable invention esspecialy bercinstocks (how ever its spelled) Thong sandals look painful, and flip flops are just all wrong. By the way, what exactly are "dumps like a truck"?
Ever since i saw Wallace and Gromit's "The Wrong Trausers" I've come 2 the conclusion that there is a giant conspiracy and penguins are trying 2 take over the world. That funny looking teacher at my school who waddles when she walks is the Queen of the Penguins and That substitute who looks like the Penguin from BatMan and likes to hear himself talk is King. Becca Singer is the royal Penguin Advisor. The Penguins kidnap u and take u 2 their icy liar where they try 2 brain wash u but if u defy the almighty penguins they will beat u with their canes and peck at with their beaks, then do there penguin dance on top of ur injured self. DON'T DEFY THE PENGUINS! "the Penguin flies at midnight" -david sapp. hehe. Now that i have completly scared u all to attract ur attention i'll continue on with my bio. I enjoy eating cheese, but not just an cheesey it must be the all famous Easy Cheese. u know, the cheese that comes in a can that u spray out. "mmmmm prossesed cheese"- lauren yono. Its the only way to go! I'm one mad ass biotch at volley ball in gym. booo yeah you wish u could miss the ball as good as me! I own a fisher price record player (2 to be exact) and a shit loud of 80's records plus some 8 tracks and the majoraity of my music selections are on tape cassette. what can i say I'm old skool. Well...more of cheap and broke but it's all the same. I enjoy prancing around the mall wmy neon pink squid that looks liek a penis that i bought in sea world, asking people to wear it on their heads so i can take a picture. I strongly urge you all to try it, it's a great way to make friends.

I applied to pet supplies plus, but they didn't call me till about 3 months later and when i called back the next day the job was taken. It's the new "place" 2 work, and if u go to harmony house w/Debbie on breaks Doug will give u 20% discount. Every one seems 2 be quitting PSP becuase Amanda Veale got fired. I go to a party every other weekend at Amanda L's house and my favorite soap opera is Days of Our Lives. I like eating ramen noodle soup and salads with lots of olives. My arch nemisis is Becky Whorevitz and goldfish crackers r yummy. Gina and I or going to apply to the Grand Cafe soon and be cutsey little waitresses. You know what? Scratch that whole PSP/grand cafe nonsence. I'm gonna get a job at the GAP! yay-e yay-e! HOw very punk rock of me!My favorite vacation spot is Canada, cuz of all the hot sk8er bois, plus its really the only other country i've been to. I have a vibrator named Herbert that Rob got me uhhh yeah stuff. I've decided that i'm going to write and autobiography becuase i'm THAT interesting and u know u all want 2 read about me...why else would you be on this site right now? I'm hoping that one day i can make it in to a movie, s2pid teenage slackers always seem to be a huge hit at the box office. and YES Dude, Where's my Car WAS a great movie. I'm taking up bass all because Robbie Fancy Pants showed me how to play chick magnet. I'm selling my craptastic acoustic and buying a cheap fender for about $150. Hey, its a good deal what can i say? Plus i saw a preview for "josie & the pussycats" and now i'm determined 2 be a cutsey little gurly who plays bass. I'm easily swayed by the media and u like it. If i were name would be Boutifa. But since i'm not i'll just wiggle my wight girl ass at you and insist that you call me Boutifa. "I'm Patima!"- baby pig in a muppets christmas carol.

Cat's Likes: guinea pigs, little debbie's oatmeal cream filled cookies, My little ponies, the tiki hut, salads, decorating, video games, rassberry jelly donuts, money, strawberry island smoothies from the stand at the mall, skipping 4th hour, C-watches, nail polish, sparkles, the stereo I got from matt, portable phones, mirrors, photos, bubble baths, fun socks, gummi bracelets, pajamas, teletubbies, Dj assualt, summer vacation, borders, shiney pink shoes, concerts, the rubber dress, the "diapers", subway, getting mail (preferably packages), presents, blue, toilets, scarey movies, Marissa's cat, records, Audrey Hepburn, black and white film, the cool mobile, the word "rad", captain crunch, target, jelly shoes, baggy pants, zesty italian, spikey hair (on guys), Seth Green, the family bathroom, cable, inflatable furniture, backstreet boy lunch boxes, Herbert, Sampson, homemade videos, festive underpants, harassing ppl at the mall, bowling, advil, sporks, cherry coke, online diaries, records, 8 tracks, puffs w/aloe, and pickles.

Cat's Dislikes: Dipsy the green teletubbie, custard filled donuts, research papers, tuna subs, snow, feet, Alex Stuart, butts, x-files, taco bell cuz it gives me the runs, abercrombie (what ever happened 2 fitch?), rap, monkeys, cleaning the guinea pigs, Lia, sega, ex b/f's, pooping in public places, wedgies, shaving, when i go 2 do something and 4get what it was that i was just about 2 do, Becky and her ugly camo pants, pretzels, swiss cheese, cheap knock-offs, the dentist, tall crowds, the kingdom of ass, my grandma's utensils, spicy mustard, looney tunes, christina augulera, the ugly swans on my front doors, homework, chocolate, biting my nails, being broke, the "trailor trash" couple, runny noses, piercing voices, swim class, clowns, santana, the annoying freshmen, puking, the "rag", metals on letter jackets, letter jackets, football, runny noses, volleyball, sporty girls and cinnimon flavored poptarts.

Places Cat goes When She's Bored!

My Diary is in the Vent
Cat's Crew!
The Cheese-O-Matic
The Family Bathroom
Back 2 the Pool!
Am I HOT or NOT?
Jessika's Rad Page!

The S2pid Things My Friends and I say!
