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Calvin & Hobbes....... To me they are the best comics I have every had and read. When Bill Watterson stopped writing them it made me sad. I have every book and I read them over and over and over again. If he would start writing again I along with thousands of others would be overjoyed, but don't think that is going to happen. Thats why I've dedicated this page to Calvin & Hobbes.

Here is a list of the books. They are in no particular order.

The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes

Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat

Calvin and Hobbes Sunday Book

Weirdos From Another Planet

Attack Of The Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons

The Revenge Of The Baby Sat

Scientific Progress Goes "Boink"

Calvin and Hobbes

Yukon Ho!

Something Under The Bed Is Drooling

It's A Magical World

The Days Are Just Packed

The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Anniversary Book "There's Treasure Everywhere"

The Essential Calvin and Hobbes

The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes
Calvin and Hobbes Sunday Pages 1985-1995

Let me tell you a bit about Calvin and Hobbes. Calvin is a six year old boy that has a stuffed tiger (Hobbes) that is real around him, but when someone else looks at Hobbes he looks like a stuffed animal. Calvin has a wonderful and sometimes wierd imagination. He can dream about himself being "Spaceman Spiff" Interplanetary Explorer Extraordinaire! He explores unknown alien planets in the most far reaches of outer space. He can be a dinosaur or go back to prehistoric ages to see them. There is probably nothing his imagination can't do! There's a little girl that lives down Calvin's street named Susie Calvin lives to annoy her. That's why Calvin invented the G.R.O.S.S. Club. G.R.O.S.S. stands for Get Rid Of Slimey Girls. Calvin is the Dictator For Life and First Scout. Hobbes is First Tiger, President and something like the secretary. Calvin has a mom and a dad to him they seem wierd, but there are times when there can be affection. Calvin looks at his mother as being a slave driver because she is always telling him he needs to go to bed or get a bath or clean his room or take out the trash and other odd jobs. Calvin sees his dad a being a very wierd person that can be annoyed easily. His dad is always saying that things build character. For example shoveling the snow and other things that kids hate to do. Calvin's teacher is another story. Her name is Miss Wormwood She is Calvin's first grade teacher, she can't wait to retire. She smokes a lot, and is really irritable. If you read the books you can see she takes a lot of medication too. Being around Calvin doesn't help much! Now it's time to talk about Moe Moe....... He's a big mean bully that is always tormenting Calvin. Like he's always making Calvin give him money and one time Calvin took his favorite toy truck to school and Moe took it! In short He's a BIG, DUMB, UGLY JERK! That's enough about Moe, let's talk about Rosalyn Rosalyn is Calvin's mean babysitter. She may be the one person that Calvin is actualy afraid of! She always is telling Calvin's parents she wants an advance on next time because to her Calvin keeps geting worse. She also keeps wanting raises, hey I would too if I had to babysit him! That's just some things about Calvin and Hobbes, for more click on the Ucomics picture link below.