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Where Dreams come True.... (Your dreams may vary)

12/16 - I will be updating with the date from now on. Celebrate Good Times. Come On. Speaking of which, I added a new fake interview. Read it, or my life will be wasted.

-Website Overlord

Update#8 - Success! All the drawings are up, I redid the left frame images to perfection, and all things Bravenet are back up. But, I have infulenza, and will most likely die in the next following weeks. Be strong, my children. Be strong. -Website Overlord

Update#7 - Ga... Bravenet was hacked. I have no guestbook or counter. Why bravenet? Why not dreambooks or something? Dreambooks sucks. Bravenet was the only one that offered GOOD guestbooks. Hackers make no damn sense. -Website Overlord

Update#6 - Hooha! Added an extra frame with my banner in it so you jamokes can stare at it while toiling all day helplessy through my maze of pages. You're all under my control! The whole lot a ye! Now toil, my pets! Toil! -With love, The Website Overlord

Update#5 - Damnation! Blasted Angelfire.... I uploaded all the drawings at the same time without checking at my Pa's haus, and then left. And when I come back, they arent in my directory! What act of Satanism is this? Oh well, guess all you jamokes will have to wait another decade before I get more drawings onto the site. I got the forum up at least.

Update#4 - For those who visit my site regularly, (Bryan) Don't be disapointed, man! There will be 5 more drawings as soon as I go to fathers haus. And now Minotaur Slum Enterprises is even accepting drawings! Oh, I'm a very pretty man. - Website Overlord

Update#3 - Heh! Lookey what I went and found, pa! Its most disgusting, really. Look at your role model now! Look at her, I said! -Website Overlord

Update#2 - Lets see hyah.... Added 4 drawings, fixed some technical crap, And added a links section and Shrine to Anna Paquin. Man, I am good, sucka's! -Website Overlord

Update#1 - Hey, children. Don't these two strike you uncaddedly as alike? eh? eh? eh?

Of course they do, jamoke. -Website Overlord

Sucka foo
Click the almighty Minotaur God, Sargas, to E-mail the Webmaster Overlord. Hes lonely and needs a friend. But no clicking him on the eyes, you sadistic jamokes.