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MiliMoje List Members!

This page is under construction, but here is a partial list of our wonderful MiliMoje family!

Helen Kotur - List Mommy
Renee Miller - List Moderator
Mel - The original Rascal's Mom
JoDee - President Hopps Mom
Sarah - Bunnicula's wonderful, devoted Mom
James - Catman and our resident "Sheik" :) we love ya James!
Helen - Catwoman :)
Krijen - Horses, doggies, kitties and bunnies OH MY!
Mary Lou - Doggies and kitties and bunnies and MORE!
Tere - Doggies by the score!
Casey - Doggies and a bunny and TWINS!
Maggie - Kitty cat girl!
Michele - Doggies and bunnies!
Julie - Horses and dogs and mountains!
Shely - Slave to the world famous screamin bunny Butterball and Mocha the ever patient Labrador!

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