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I've copied and pastes this right from the source....I didn't change any of the wordings around so it kind of sounds like it's coming from some important persont this way!
He's the typical guy that you normally would see in today's society, nothing too spectacular. In fact, you really have to concentrate in picking him out amongst the crowd! He's also easy going, but has a more sophisticated taste than the first group (those less than 35 points). Don't get us wrong, he isn't boring or anthing like that. Just that he would tend to be a little humble, has his own independent views, but keeps it to himself. If the situation requires, he can step forward and really make an impression on others. The woman of his dream must not be the helpless lady type or too conservative, but must be a fighter with high perseverance. Women who are the fragile type or too ladylike are definitely not to his taste. She must be committed to overcome any obstacle in building up a family with him. Those from a rich family is definitely out. He prefers women whose fortune are self-made. And by the way, this type of guy isn't selfish at all, but a real social contributor one can say. Don't worry, his specifications aren't really that high, you may pass the test you know
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