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Since 1994 the U.S. federal government has been paying states to maintain foreign nationals in U.S. prisons through the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program, part of that year's federal crime bill. For more information about this and about the "Transfer of Offenders Treaty" contact:

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(Excerpt: February2000 News)

"A recent decision in a federal lawsuit will result in the continued recycling of thousands of tons of radioactive metal for use in household products. Because of a loophole in the Superfund cleanup law, a federal judge said she could not order the Department of Energy (DOE) to stop the practice of recycling nuclear materials and using them in everyday products. Owners of weapons facilities and deactivated power plants can save money on clean-up costs and even profit by selling contaminated materials to scrap dealers and steel companies, where it is mixed with clean metal for the production of household items. In spite of studies illustrating the dangers of exposure to radiation for increasing the risks of cancer, leukemia, genetic defects, and reduced immunity, there are no apparent plans even to require labelling of products made from recycled radioactive materials. There seems to be no end to the dangers our government is willing to expose us to for the sake of corporate profits. That is our Crime of the Month."

Vol.25, No.2 -Coalition for Prisoners' Rights P.O. Box 1911, Santa Fe, NM 87504-1911

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"Genocide exists within American prisons caused by corrupt government, such as Congress, State legislators, and Governors, who institutionalize and dehumanize human beings. Corporate America are the major stockholders. Genocide does not only exist in times of war. It has been existing in American prisons for many years. As we progress in modern times in this new era of 2000, the situation of institutionalizing and dehumanizing becomes worse than ever. Dehumanizing people in American prisons has been going on for many years. Prison lawsuits in the past and those yet to come can attest to this fact. Further, the justice system of both state and federal are doing little to nothing about it. Government officials lie to the public. One only has to watch the Discovery Channel and itness the atrocities that occur within American prisons. In newspapers we ead of corrupt DA's who along with the police frame innocent people and institutionalize them, then the prison administrators dehumanize. It's a corrupt system from the police force to the United States Supreme Court...The Palm Beach Post estimated that Florida spends $51 million per year on capital cases. Since 1979, 44 people have been executed in Florida which comes out to $24 million per executed murderer. These figures were based on the amount of time prosecutors and public defenders at the trial courts and the Florida Supreme Court spend on the extra work needed in capital cases. The Supreme Court there spends half its time on death penalty cases. The figure also includes the time and effort expended on defendants who are tried and convicted of a lesser charge and those with death sentences were overturned on appeal as well as those actually executed. More innocent Florida inmates (18) have been released from death row than in any other state...Many people believe three of those executed - Willie Darden, James Adams and Robert Sullivan were innocent...

Now is the time to ask the question..."Why is the United States of America denying the rights of foreigners to transfer to their home countries under transfer treaties? Why we ask? We have concluded that the United States of America, its government is trying to play God, that they are not obligated to follow the terms of the treaty, the federal and state governments continue to violate the terms of the treaty, they have only one goal in mind, that is to institutionalize and dehumanize human beings, be they innocent or guilty, be they foreigners or American born. Modern genocide exists within American prisons. The lawmakers are not obligated to follow the Constitution, the Supremacy Clause, nor any Treaty with other nations. Torture and inhumane action is as much present today as it was in years gone by. Rehabilitation may have existed for a short time, however, when state and federal prison administrators learned that it was working, causing the prison system to lose money, a more and more convicted felons were not returning to prison, which in fact caused a decline in job opportunity for incompetent corrections staff, and job security was at risk. Thereby, the prison administrators could not have that, and created a means to modernize a type of genocide within its prison system...What will it take for our Canadian government to take a stand and cause the United States, both state and federal entities to adhere to the letterof the Transfer Treaty, end the suffring of our people. Corporate America owns the government of the United States. It's all a matter of financial means. Rehabilitation and humane treatment no longer is available in American prisons. We the Canadian people must take a human stand, and show the United States what is is to be a human being. Every Canadian imprisoned within the United States, including family and friends must petition Parliament to intervene and bring our Canadians home. Other foreign countries must do the same. If nothing is being done, then more genocide action will be taken by the United States. We cannot allow this to continue, we must bring genocide actors to task and make them all accountable. More and more we find that the American government and its justice system is corrupt."


Rev.Alphonse B.Gucci, D.D.
Paralegal & Founder, AICAP/AIFAP.

U.N. Convention on Genocide
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