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Creation Vs. Evolution

Creation Vs. Evolution What is Creation? What is Evolution? What is the difference between Creation and Evolution? Christians say that creation is truth. Almost all others say that evolution is truth. What is the truth? Creation is the idea that our universe and the natural in it were created by God. It is based on God’s word, specifically first part of the book of Genesis in the Bible. It tells us that the God created the world in six days and by the seventh day God ad finished the work he had been doing, so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. There are so - called creationists that believe that the six ‘days’ were actually much longer periods of time, so the Earth is actually very old (about 4.6 billion years is taught). Other (true) creationists believe that these were actually around 24 hour days and that the earth is quite young (around 10,000 years). Evolution is the idea that natural processes have transformed energy and matter into the structures of the universe, earth, and eventually humans. Darwin talked about the theory of evolution - the formation of new species through gradual change. Some believe in the big bang theory. The big bang theory states that the universe started with an explosion or an expansion of a dense collection of subatomic partlicules and radiation. Others believe in punctuated equilibrium, which is where evolutionary rates have not remained constant, but species evolve in response to the changing environment. The faster it changes, the more quickly evolution occurs. Others believe in speciation, which is the splitting of one species into two. Evolutionists say that there is alot of proof for evolution. Creationists say there is none. Yes there are fossils of things that look like humans and birds and elephants and lions etc. But wouldn’t the most logical reason be that these “fossils” are really from an extinct species? If evolution really is true, then why haven’t humans changed at all in the past two - thousand plus years? I’m sure if I asked an evolutionist this question they would probably say something like well look how much more technologically advanced we are now. In conclusion, we as Christians know the truth, that, indeed, God created us. Even though, almost every other resource says that this is not true! I know creation is truly what happened because that is the message that the holy spirit put into my heart.