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150 Things to do in 550 days

This is a list of things that I want to do before I go to college. Some dates I don't remember or that I've done more than once I left blank


Rock climbing

Fencing (the sport, not the act of building one)

Die your hair hot pink


Have a water fight with the garden hose

Get yourself the coolest lunch box money can buy

Buy some crazy socks

Play with some children’s toys

Draw with chalk on the road

Go puddle-jumping

Experiment with makeup

Give balloons to people

Get a Slinky and play with it

Have a water balloon fight-Done! March 29, 2004

Look for shapes in the clouds


Play a harmonica

Have a business card made with your name number and a fake vocation: Like astronaut, etc-done! (i'm a mermaid)

Get some glitter glue


Get saran wrapped and duct taped from the neck down andsee how long it takes for me/someone to get out-Done! hehe..october 26, 2004

Find trees that are close together and jump from tree to tree


Make a documentary video about the family


Go to the Yellow Pages and pick the seventh restaurant – eat the seventh entree and order the seventh dessert

Enter a grape stomping contest

Have an egg toss

Make your own banana split

Eat a huge piece of watermelon

Leave copious amounts of jujubes with your tip at an upscale dining establishment

Start a food fight

Throw popcorn at a theatre

Go to a candy store and buy a ton of candy. Eat all day-done! 2/29/04

Decorate an outrageous cake


Sing even if you can’t-done

Fall asleep on the lawn

Get up early to watch the sunrise

Next time you see a rainbow, stop and really admire it

Say hello to cows

Set up the tent in the backyard


Sneak your friends into a drive-in movie

Write a long letter to an old friend-done! 6/3/04

Shoot a whole roll of film in one day-done! 11/2/04

Kidnap some friends/family and go out for breakfast in your pajamas

Have a chick flick sleepover party


Get someone to paint your toenails

Throw a huge party for no reason at all

Learn to salsa dance from a boy named Juan or a girl named Passion

Go to a disco music night and dance the night away


Get a makeover-done! 6/12/04

Go moon dancing

Go a whole day without music, TV, newspapers or phone calls

Host a piñata party

Listen to some polka music and eat sausages

Go roller skating with a pillow on your butt

Buy the craziest, most comfortable slippers you can find

Laser tag-done! 8/20/04

Watch a foreign film

Mail an anonymous joke-of–the-week to someone on a regular basis -Done! Started March 3, 2004

Get into your pajamas and stay up all night playing games-done! 8/20/04

Wear loud hats - especially if no one else you know does

-Good will-

Send some flowers anonymously to the grouchiest person you know

Sneak cookies into people’s pockets

Send flowers or cards to someone for no special reason

Pay the toll booth for someone behind you

Throw a surprise birthday party for someone when it's not their birthday


Get some pink flamingos for your lawn

One word: sprinklers

Throw a theme party


Either take lessons or hire a belly dancer for your next party

Go to disco night at your local bowling alley-done! sometime in september..

Washable crayons are a wonderful invention. Pick a wall and invite friends


Go to a multiplex cinema and see how many movies you can go to on one ticket before you get kicked out

Break into a friend’s house and clean it

Sneakily get the eggs from someone's refrigerator and hard-boil them all. Then put them back where you found them.

Keep a mini water gun with you when you go to the mall. Inconspicuously shoot people as they walk by and watch for their reactions


Take a baseball bat to your alarm clock

Buy a Chia Pet and call it Chia Charlie

Play Frisbee at night

Find an address to your favorite famous person and write them a letter. See if they write you back

Every time you see an animal, make its noise.

Pretend its your birthday, have cake and presents. its up to u to decide whether or not you'll tell your guests that it really isn’t your birthday

-Places to go-

Go to the local fish jail (the aquarium)

Go to the flea market

Check out a rock concert


Hang out at the local roller rink

-Party Themes-

Wig Party

Orange Party-Done! March 29, 2004

Disco Party

Luau Party

Every body in a red dress

Beach Party

Christmas in July-done! actually it was in august


Hollywood star look alike


Pirate Party



Mad Hatters Tea Party



Keep a squirt gun in your vehicle and have it loaded at all times-done!

Freely distribute mini bottles of blowing bubbles in crowded public places-Done! (April 4, 2004)

Have your caricature done

Do the Peewee Herman Dance on a table in public

Wear a wig in the most unpredictable circumstance

Give someone you just met a fake name for yourself like Francesco or Candy-done! 11/1/04

On a cold day get a big blanket and walk around an outdoor mall saying to different people "I'm warmer than you!"

Play flash light tag in a crowded place at night


Feed the ducks at the park

Spend some quality time with a hammock

Eat your dinner on the beach or by a lake

Smell the roses

Unplug the phone and take a bubble bath-done!

Wear your pajamas all day-done!

-Specific Days-

Pile leaves into a huge pile and jump into them

Celebrate Australia Day on January 26th

Play sports till it gets dark on Summer Solstice - June 22nd Northern Hemisphere and December 21st Southern Hemisphere


Organize a flag football game

Skip rope

Jog at sunset

Go to the playground and play on the slides and teeter totter

In-line skating on the freshest piece of pavement in the area




Check out the nearest waterslide

Climb a tree


Go to your nearest trampoline and bounce-done!

Go to an afternoon baseball game

Go to the beach with sandwiches and a fantastic friend

Learn to throw a boomerang

Have a classic movie night outside with friends

Play with some children’s toys-done

Build a sandcastle

Celebrate on the beach with an ice cream fight - then

dive in with your clothes on


Go to Hawaii-done!

Just go out the door and start meandering

Swim with dolphins

Extend your vacation by staying at friends and hostels

Shower in a waterfall

When stopped at a red light in your car when the light turns green everyone jump out of the vehicle, run around it, jump back in and take off

Visit New Orleans at least once-will be done week after schools over

Get tickets to a random country like Latvia or Lithuania. Go to that country and find fun

-When Severely Bored-

Really, REALLY dress up when you need to go buy toilet paper-done! But I actually bought a sponge. so sorta done

Write five postcards to friends even if you are not on vacation

Slide down the stairs in a sleeping bag-done

Go to burger king, stare at the list. point at the top left (or right) corner, and ask for something not on the menu... keep insisting and pointing, this really confuses them.

Look up and point on a busy street corner and see how many people stop to look up

Make up a song with your friends about how much you love tuna (or any other food) then make up dance moves to it. Now, perform on the sidewalk for passing cars and people.

Stick a kick me sign on yourself and see how long it takes before someone tells you it's there

Get in the car and only turn left for an hour, see where you wind up