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Kinesthetic Intelligence

Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence or "The Mover" is the most controversial of all of the intelligence. Gardner states that: "It is the capacity to solve problems or make things with the whole body or parts of the body like hands or mouth. It is the ability to use the body in differentiated and skilled ways for expressive as well as goal-directed purposes." These may include both fine-motor and gross motor skills. Each person possesses a certain control of his or her movements, balance, agility and grace. Some individuals showed their strength in bodily-kinesthetic intelligence appeared even before they began formal training. They all had a natural sense of how their body should act and react in a demanding physical situation

Characteristics include:

Types of jobs will find this type of person in: athletes, surgeons, dancers, choreographers, and crafts people all use bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. The capacity is also evident in students who relish gym class and school dances, who prefer to carry out class projects by making models rather than writing reports, and who toss crumbled paper with frequency and accuracy into wastebaskets across the room.

Famous People:

This intelligence is activated when a person uses music and/or rhythm to accomplish something. Use software with differing input devices such as a joystick, mouse, touch-tablet, keyboarding & word processing programs, games, manipulatives, and animated graphics.

Key terms that are related to bodily-kinesthetic intelligence: dance, role play, gestures, drama, martial arts, body language, exercise, mime, inventing, sports games.

Here are some ideas for activating this intelligence: