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Hey! You may, or may not know me or even know who I am, or you may not even care to know who i am :-) ,so I will start out from the beginning. Go ahead and make yourself at home and listen along. If you already know the basic information about me, you can click on to the next stop, More About Nikki.

Anyways, on with the story. My name is Nikki Jo and I live in the upper peninsula of Michigan, USA. I am currently 17 years old. On February 4, 2001 I will be 18. I was considered a Senior as of June 7, 2000. (Class of 2001 Rox!!!!!!!!!!!!) If you have never been to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan you may think "oh, well they are the area that still has outdoor toilets, has no electricity or running water, etc." Well, that is not true. If we had none of that stuff, would I be sitting on my computer making a webpage? That's what I thought.

Ok, enough about that. My mother's name is Ann and my father's name is Michael. I also have a brother named Jordan Michael (everyone teases him and calls him Michael Jordan. He got that when he was little, and I do not think he will EVER lose it!!!). Jordie is currently 12 and in the 6th grade at Gladstone Middle School.

Ok, now to get on to the most important information about me... I AM A CHRISTIAN!!!!!!!!!!! Most people think of Christianity as just a religion, but to me, it is a relationship. If you would like to know more about Christianity, go to my Christianity page.

I go to the Harbor Lights Church of God. I am on the praise and worship team there. I love it very much. If you would like to read more about that, click ahead to Harbor Lights Church of God.

So, have I bored you enough about the stupid little information about me or would you like to move on and read more about me? If so, move on to More About Nikki. If you are completely sick and tired of reading about me, you can move to the next page. It has a list of all the different sections to my page. If that's what you are looking for, move on to Nikki's Links.

Also, one more thing. One of my nick names is Tigger. I am POSITIVELY obsessed with Tigger! My best friends nicknames is Pooh. So, we are Tigger and Pooh. If you would like to visit my Tigger site, click on the bouncing Tigger. Thanks! :)

Also, if you have any questions, comments, or snide remarks yet, please send them to