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Interpersonal Intelligence

Interpersonal Intelligence or "The Socializer" is the intelligence that has the ability to understand other people. It is the ability to interact with others, understand them, and interpret their behavior. These individuals have the particular ability to perceive the moods, temperaments, motivations and intentions of others.

They understand and care about individuals, have a lot of friends, like to socialize. Interpersonal intelligence allows us to affect others by understanding others; without it, we lose the ability to exist socially.

Characteristics include:

The interpersonal intelligence individual may find a career in areas like a therapist, nurse, religious leader, community organizer, salesperson, teacher, politician or a mediator.

Famous People:

Students may enjoy using/doing programs that include telecommunications, address social issues, group participation, games that are for two or more people, interaction with characters in a simulation, guidance programs. They enjoy being involved in clubs, committees, and after school activities. These types of students thrive on small-group work, when they notice and react to the moods of their friends and classmates. This is the student who convinces the teacher of their need for extra time to complete assignments.

Keywords include: group work, intuition, giving feedback, cooperative learning, person to person, empathy, division of labor, collaborative skills, receiving feedback, and sensing motives. This intelligence is activated when a person interacts with others to accomplish something.

Here are some ideas for activating this intelligence:

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