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I have struggled with my weight all of my life. My first diet group was TOPS. I later joined Weight Watchers, Overeater's Anonymous, and several other "local" weight clubs all before the age of eighteen. During my twenties, I have dealt myself meals, confronted my compulsive overeating habit, and struggled to lose on a low fat diet. By the time I turned thirty, I realized that I am in fact, a carbohydrate addict. I am developing low carb eating as a way of life. After several attempts, I have come to the realization that though at times, I fall off the wagon, I return because of the benefits I get from eating low carb. I primarily follow the Atkins diet. I am a firm believer that if one gives up one will never succeed.

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What the Monster has to say....

To Thine Own Self Be True

Join the Low Carb Whoosh Fairy Garden
Read my Mind-Body Exercise column!
My Journey with the Low Carb Whoosh Fairy
The Ultimate Low Carb Grocery List
My Plea to the Keebler Elves!
My Thoughts on Drinking Water!
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