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" Although the Dolphin is on the International Red List for the Endangered Species "

" It is not considered to be in great danger, but rather in need of protection "

" Each year thousands of Dolphins get tangled in fishing nets used for catching tuna and salmon, and consequently drown "

" Legislation has been passed to protect these and other Dolphins "

" From ancient times up to the present, Dolphins have a reputation of saving victims from ship wrecks "

" Its definitey true they take care of wounded members of their own species "

" They guide them to the center of their group or pod "

" There is a significant social bonding between the individual animals "

" Almost all common Dolphins live in pods, which may contain a hundred Dolpins per group "

" They communicate with one another by many high fregency sounds, including clicks and whistles that are inaudible to humans "

" They have a highly developed sense of hearing and make use of this to locate their prey "

" Their diet consist of fish , squid, shrimp, and crabs from the oceans floor "

" Their average life expentancy is 20 yrs "

" They average weight is 175-265 pounds and body lenght is approximately 6 1/2 feet "

" The Dolphin streamlined body and smooth skin offer almost no resistance to the water "

" They swin at 30 mph, with an accleration speed up to 40mph "

" Their sexual maturity is 4 years and has 1 off spring "

" When the off spring is borned which is 11 months and is 30-34 inches long "

" Although the off spring is already strong enough to swim to the surface for its first breath of air "

" The mother or one of the other females, called " Aunts ", will tenderly prod it towards the surface with her snout "

" I have seen them when I have been in Florida the last few years " " They are awsome mammals and I have heard their snorting and their cries "

" The swim by the boat, they leap in the air, and they play too "

" This page is for these beautiful creatures of the seas "

" This is also for my friend Isibeal, she is a wonderful friend of mine "

" She is also is a wonderful Mother, and Grandmother too "

" Smiles my friend Isi, as I call you "

" We do live in different countries, but see it don't matter, We share our countries with each other "

" Smiles my nice friend Isi "

" Hey You "

" Hey sweety "

" Smiles, Hugges, and Kisses "

" MarieRose_ ( Linda ) "

" Created June 2001 "

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