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Hydrogen Bomb- An explosive weapon of enormous destructive power caused by the fusion of the nuclei of various hydrogen isotopes in the formation of helium nuclei."Webster's Dictionary"

The first H-bomb ever 'Mike' was exploded at 7.15 am local time on November 1st 1952. The mushroom cloud was 8 miles across and 27 miles high. The canopy was 100 miles wide. Radioactive mud fell out of the sky followed by heavy rain. 80 million tons of earth was vaporised. Mike was the first ever megaton yeild explosion.

The explosion on November 1, 1952,of the first h-bomb caused an island to disappear and created in its place a crater a mile wide and 175 feet deep. A deliverable bomb was subsequently developed and successfully tested in 1954. The Soviet Union tested a hydrogen bomb on August 12, 1953, and the British followed on May 15, 1957. The hydrogen bomb is a thermonuclear weapon capable of devastating 150 square miles by blast, with searing heat effects and radioactive fallout for more than 800 square miles, depending on the size of the weapon. Its explosions are much larger than those of atomic (fission) bombs. The hydrogen bomb explosion is produced by nuclear fusion - the collision of neutrons with the nucleus of an unstable isotope of hydrogen, either deuterium or tritium, under high temperatures. Usually an atomic bomb inside the thermonuclear device triggers the fusion reaction.


"mike" The First H-bomb
H-bomb pictures
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This page created by: Josh Meyers Brock Eastely