Shattered & Shackled

writings by SuRGe BSB
Welcome to my fanfiction site! My fics are all up. Updates will be posted in my Dead Journal.
New HP fic coming *soon*!(Really!)
All poems are up!
Original Fiction is up!
P.S. I'm willing to host any BSB or HP fics! E-mail me for more info.

Harry Potter fics

My Writings Backstreet Boys fics

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FF.N Profile
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distracting/reacting (My Personal Site)
My Homicide: Life on the Street Site (no longer updated)

E-mail me

The Slash Fanfiction Fanlisting

This page and all of my other pages are © 2001-2003 SuRGe BSB
All of my fanfiction and other writings are © 2001-2003 SuRGe BSB
Site moved on July 21, 2001
Site updated March 17, 2003