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Crazy weather in Southeast Michigan!

February, 2000 We had a day with a temperature of 80F, dry and breezy. The drought continued from Summer 1998!

May, 2000 Toward the end of the month, our 2-year drought finally came to an end. Well, we had a little rain in the two years, but we had many months without any. The weather reporters never tell us just how dry it was. I guess that the weather was just "too good."

Summer 2000 A very rainy summer, great for rhododendrons, bad for cactus. Several of my non-Opuntia cacti were to die over the winter or by Spring 2001.

March, 2001 Several cacti had turned to mush, including a Pediocactus, one or two Echinocerei, and even some chollas, due to the wet summer, not the cold winter.

April 2, 2001 The official temperature this morning was 11F, tying an old record. My thermometer read 6F. This killed all 26 of my potted Trillium grandiflorum seedlings which I had uncovered from winter storage just a few days or a week before.

April 7, 2001 The first time the temperature has reached 60F this year. Note last February!

April 8, 2001 A hot, dry, windy day, about 78F, and it sure beat up the early spring bulbs which were in flower.

