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Click here to see how I grow these. Echinocereus oklahomensis?

This plant looks a lot like my Echinocereus baileyi var. caespitosus (bottom of picture), except that the flowers are more of a light pink, and are a little later. The spines are more white. In Cacti of Texas and Neighboring States (Del Weniger, University of Austin Press, Austin, TX, 1991), there is a picture of Echinocereus albispinus, from Oklahoma, which looks a lot like the plant I have.

I believe that this plant was probably grown at Sorensen's in Ruthven, Ontario, Canada. They sell to most of the big stores in this area, and they have a great selection of superior plants. Our local cactus club makes an annual pilgramage to Sorensen's to browse through several acres of greenhouses filled with 1 1/2 inch potted cacti and succulents. We often find oddities, mutants, and plants of unsurpassed beauty among the average ones. I purchased this plant from Frank's Nursery and Crafts, or from Kmart, about 1997 or 1998. I can't remember which it was, but I did buy this and another one, one from each store. Anyway, both are very hardy.

UPDATE March 25, 2001. This plant appears to be just fine.

Click here or on the picture above to read how I grow this plant.