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Pollution: 21st Century Weapon of Mass Destruction


We've all heard the news: "terrorists working on weapons of mass destruction..." It seems to me that there's an awful lot of finger-pointing from other guilty parties. In most cases, finger pointers are desperately trying to cover up their own sins by diverting attention to another party.  

Take, for instance, the United States. For decades, the U.S. has consumed about 25% of the world's energy resources. 

Let's take a quick look at the facts.

Global Warming

For over 30 years, scientists have recorded a slow, steady increase in the Earth's average temperature. Last year the rate took a dramatic upward swing, continuing this year, and projected indefinitely into the 21st century.
Environmental changes are developing into climate changes. Climate changes may become permanent if drastic measures aren't taken immediately.
Glaciers are melting down completely; the north & south poles are beginning to break up at unprecedented rates.

With developing countries gaining in their use of energy, the percentages may vary slightly -- but this country's increased use of cars & trucks makes up the difference. If you don't believe me, go visit a large city and then tell me that smog isn't on the rise!

The love of money and worship of materialism drives the U.S. market-based economy to overlook a seriously compounding problem: the near-future extermination of the human race. 

Reports are in, and the conclusions have been drawn -- the human race will eliminate itself sometime within this next century. 

Although the climate changes are mostly attributed to combustion (greenhouse) emissions -- from cars, trucks, power plants, industry -- there are other more lethal events happening behind the scenes.

All of this is done for the love of money -- to keep industrialists fat! So don't tell me about supposed terrorists with supposed weapons of mass destruction hell-bent on killing us all. You've already unleashed the weapon on yourselves, and it may be too late to reverse it.

Ken Rieli, Chairman

Global Motive Power Revolution

Sustainable development solutions    Pollution-free Energy through Enabling Technologies    Free! Phoenix Turbine Builders Club!    Campaign to Ban the Piston Engine    Global Open Source Turbine Forum    International Sustainable Growth Research & Development Network    Renewable, Biomass Fuels Formulas & Processes    Phoenix Environmental Remediation Plan    Clean-burning boundary layer turbines to reduce greenhouse gas emissions    Microturbine power plants for distributed power    Catalytic technologies to reverse global warming    Kids for a Secure Future, environmental youth activists

Last modified July 02, 2003 04:41 PM