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Hello, and welcome to The purpose of this site? Quite simple. It exists for my personal enjoyment. And perhaps that of my friends as well, because they make up a great deal of the subject matter. I've got sections on most of the things I enjoy, as well as most of the things my friends and I do together.

Summer is dead. Senior year is here... whoop-dee-do. At least soccer is well and truly in full swing now.

News: I've got some massive upgrades up. I've added my personal fiction - you'll find the link to much of what I've written under the Fantasy section. The Screenshots are slowly but surely coming in and being put up, so if you want to see 'em, check back every so often for new ones.

So far, the sections I have are focused on Martial Arts (my experience, views, etc) Chaos Industries (an informal "clan" of which I am one of the founders) Fantasy (reading, writing, favored authors, etc) and Friendly Fire (paintball team).

Last updated: August 23, 2003

This site and all graphics pictured (unless otherwise noted) are copyrighted by Greg Kovas