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Name:Evalynn Alkins


Race: Vampire

Eyes/hair color:green/blonde



Magic:Can read Animals thoughts

Weapons:2 daggers, crossbow, sawed off shotgun

Trade:Kindler, knows herbal healing

Evalynn grew up in an all girls orphanage that sits just on the border of the Clan K lands where stryk and K children were taken to be slaves for the K's. Evalynn has been told over the years that her parents were killed.
Evalynn lived a rather harsh and abused life. She finally grew tired of the sex slave life and at the age of 19 she decided she wanted out to find her parents. During the middle of the night, she would first kill her master and then she stabbed two guards and made her great escape, secretely crossing through the K lands and into the forest northwest of Destryk castle.
Evalynn lived in the forest for four years. There she learned how to heal using herbs that was available to her, she learned to hunt, escape soldiers from the orphanage, survived on the fruits and berries that the forest grew, and she made alot of animal friends.
After four years of not talking to another human, she grew lonely. She then decided to venture out to find civilization. After six months of travels, she found herself in Tyran. She steps into the pub very shyly and nervously not knowing what to find. She knew she couldn't make herself to known for she knew she was being sought for by the orphange.
It wasn't too long before someone extended their hand out to her. A kind Dk prince by the name of Seth offered shelter, food, and clothing to Evalynn. Not too long after that, he offered her his heart and life which she gladly accepted for she too had fallen very much in love with him. On July 7th, they united in marriage and also learned that they would be parents for Evalynn was pregnant.
She soon joined the Familia Dark Kingdom (Dk) and three months later, Evalynn gave birth to a set of twin girls named Arianna Lynn and Andromeda Sky McGregor. At first it was only to be one child but due to a mishap of a pregnancy inducing spell, the second child was made. Both Girls hold the elemental magic of water and wind.

After a year of the twins being born, Seth had left the realm of Tyrant without any explanation. He only said that he would never return. A broken hearted Evalynn would now be forced to raise the twins alone having not known any magic, it would come to be a cumbersome task. She would spend 1 year alone with her children when one day she would meet a man named LordLust of the Vampire Immortals (Vi).
They spend much time together speaking of their past love's, their children, their families. They grew to love one another and they would seal that love with LordLust turning her from a human to a vampire making them blood bonded to each other. Evalynn was then soon asked to stand by her love's side as Queen of the Vi. Hesitant at first because she had no clue as to being a queen, she would soon accept. She was given permission to leave the first family that took care of her for 2 years and would place the crests of Vi on to hopefully be with her love for all eternity.