Attendance Information:

1. Attendance is taken daily and will be reported to the Registrar’s Office for State and Federal Report purposes.

2. Classes canceled on a one-time basis during the semester due to instructor illness, etc. will be listed on the Schoolcraft Web Page. Students may click on Schoolcraft Education for more information.

3. For College closings due to weather or other emergencies, listen to major area radio or TV stations for updates.

Additional Services:

1. The Learning Assistance Center may have tutors for this course. The LAC is located in the Bradner Library Room 119. The direct number is (734) 462-4436. The LAC is also located at Radcliff Center, RC 120. The number is (734) 462-4400, ext. 6021.

2. There are general (open) computer labs for student use both at Livonia and Radcliff. In Livonia, MC100 (lower level of the McDowell Center) is open daily and on weekends with hours posted in the lab. At Radcliff, RC140, 150, 410 and 415 have weekly hours posted outside each room. Call (734) 462-4400, ext. 5529 for hours at both campuses.

3. Lab technicians are available in MC-100 to help you with hardware or system problems in the labs. They are not tutors for various software packages.

4. Food and drink are not allowed in any computer labs. Additional policies may be posted in MC 100.

Classroom Etiquette: For your benefit and for the benefit of your classmates—

1. At all times be considerate to your classmates and to your instructor.
2. No food or beverage is allowed in any classroom.
3. Come to class on time, ready to ask questions about previous lessons/assignments.
4. Ask pertinent questions; contribute to discussions; avoid "private" conversations that distract the instructor and other students.
5. Remember that the faculty is the one to end the class — do not prepare to leave early.
6. Cell phones must be turned completely off during class time.

Keys to Success:

1 Have a positive attitude about learning and the class.
2 Attend all class sessions and be punctual.
3 Read the textbook and the handouts before the session and again after.
4 Do your own lab projects. Work with your "study partner." Ask for help when needed.
5 Don't expect to understand every topic the first time it is presented; review often; spend as much time as necessary to master the material.
6 Enjoy the class!

Additional Student Responsibilities:

1. The student is responsible for all announcements and material presented in class, for completion of all homework and lab assignments, and for actively participating in the learning process.

2. The student is responsible for informing the instructor about any health conditions which might create a classroom emergency (i.e., seizure disorders, diabetes, heart conditions).

3. The student is responsible for discussing with the instructor any needs for test taking or other accommodations. The instructor must have received notification from the Learning Assistance Center.

Important Dates:

Final Exam: Final exams are on the last scheduled class period.

Last Day to Withdraw: Check Schoolcraft Calendar

No Class Meetings: on mid-winter break - March 3-March 9, 2007.

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