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This site requires INTERNET EXPLORER 5.5+ to view properly, or just to view everything. This site also works in INTERNET EXPLORER 4+ or NETSCAPE 4+. But some items may only be viewed with INTERNET EXPLORE 5+, though, so it is recommended that you download the current version. If you can't see the above image then you do not have FLASH. So it is also recommended that you download the FLASH PLAYER. Only because I might add some FLASH stuff in the future. You can download the FLASH PLAYER or the latest version of INTERNET EXPLORER by clicking the buttons below. This website is still under minor construction.... so there may be some broken links, or just unfinished pages; which will probably be the case. If you experience any errors, or bugs, or anything that dosen't look right please e-mail me so I can fix the problems. Please keep checking back for updates. I'm sorry about the pop ups, but they have to be there. But I made it so they move out of the way. Click the "ENTER" button below to access my site.
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All contents of this website are copyrights of Joe Karaszewski. COPYRIGHT ©2001 THE COLLECTIVE WORKS OF DrumGod

Born on: July 19, 2001