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Free-Style Typographic Design.

1.) Use your choice of software, including but not limited to Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator,  Microsoft Word, etc.

2.) Dimensions of your design should be paper size 8.5 by 11 inches.

3.) Design should be in good taste, in other words be descent, thanks!

4.) Be original in your design, please do not copy someone else's work.

5.) Be creative in your use of Typography as the main emphasis of the design.

6.) Submit file format that is easily read by instructor: pdf, jpg, doc, docx, psd.

7.) Refer to Typography Design folder in Brashear folder on the W drive.

8.) Enjoy...

Logo Design

1. logo of your name only.

2. logo of fictitious company using text and symbol.

3. Black and White (ONLY) logo using symbol and text.

4. Enjoy


Create Michigan Orchard flyer based on actual Orchard or one that you make up.

Dimensions: 8 by 10

Resolution: 150

Google hi-rez images

Use masks, etc

Use Appropriate text

Design Three business cards.

1.) All type business card of a fictitious business for yourself. Must have name of company, tagline, contact numbers, full address, web address and/or email address.

2.) Professional, Conservative looking business card with graphics - can be actual company.

3.) Fun business card with fun graphics.