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2003 Hershey State Finals


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When asked what they have learned in the Cheetah Program,the Cheetahs said this...

Brooke,"Always try your personal best".

Kyle,"That track is the center of everything!"

Sarah,"I learned how to run properly".

Chantelle,"I learned everything about running.*How to start out.*Move your arms.*Breathe steady.*No looking around".

Sly,"Do your best and you will go far!"

Kayshea,"Be a team player.Always try your best!"

Karla,"I've learned that weight training helps and improves your running!"

Oh So very very cold!

But not cold enough to keep the Cheetahs away!

Is this really July?According to the announcer that day was the coldest day in Michigan Hershey State Finals History.The temperature dropped down to the 40's but it felt like it was well into the 20's with the strong force winds and the cold rain blowing into your face.The Cheetahs along with other Port Huron Atheletes traveled to Howell to bask in the radiant sun all day.Were we surprised!Alot of the times were slow.The atheletes stated that they thought they were running against a wind storm when they hit that last curve.It was especially hard on the middle distance and long distance runners.

But the Cheetahs fared well that day along with the other Port Huron Atheletes even though we received the worst lane assignments in all of our races(which isn't something new!That's us in lane 6).We still left with two state championships (Our 9-10 girls 4x100 meter relay team which has won the state title for three consecutive years and Jaynece,who won the state championship in the 11-12 100 meter dash).Mitchelblake took 5th in the state in the 200 meter dash in a field with alot of strong competition.And our 11-12 girls 4x100 meter relay team placed 2nd in the state in a really close race.

We were so glad when the meet was over but jubilated with how well the Port Huron team had done this year.The kids couldn't wait to get to McDonalds afterward so they could warm up and fill their stomachs with some much needed sustanance.It had been a long day.We all had to meet at the school at 6:00am before we left Port Huron.We arrived in Howell at 8:50 am just before the days festivities were to begin.It was really nice seeing David (who qualified to go to the North American Finals last year with the S.O.N.S Track Team) running down the track with the Hershey Torch.

Cheetah Motto:"A Journey of 1000 miles begans with one step" Chinese Proverb