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Shelby & Ashley:Our Littlest Cheetahs who are dynamite on the track!
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The earliest a child can join the Cheetahs is at age 4.In Shelby's case,she's been coming out with her brother and sister since she was three and running the track with them.Coach Marlene says this about Shelby,"Shelby has been a joy having out here with the Cheetahs.No matter what the kids are asked to do,she never complains.She's the little sparkplug of the team plus I like to see those little legs go!(She says with a laugh!)

Coach Rivers says this about Shelby,"Shelby is a true runner.I think she was born running.I remember Shelby coming out to the track with her older brother and sister some years ago.I would have the kids run a mile and when I looked up,here was Shelby running the mile with them.I could not believe it! She must've been 3 years old at the time and here she was with those tiny little legs running a mile.I guess the thing that amazed me most about Shelby is that she never stopped.I'm thinking to myself...She's gonna stop pretty soon but she never did.Truly amazing to see.

"This is Ashley's second year running with the Cheetahs,"says Coach Rivers." I remember when she first came out for the Cheetahs two years ago she was such a go getter!And what amazed me the most about her was that she loved to run.She never seemed to run out of energy.We don't train the younger ones with the same intensity that we train the older kids(it's a whole different training regiment) but this kid could keep up with the best of them.We had two little ones like that.Ashley and Shelby.All Ashley wanted to do is race someone.It was like she came equiped with built-in energizer batteries.Just kept going and going and going......

Ashley's mom called me up right before track season began.She wanted to know when the season was going to be getting started because Ashley just couldn't wait to get started and she was driving her mom up the wall bugging her about it.I gave her the date and Ashley was there.She had the intensity of a heavy weight boxer going for the championship in her eyes and she proved that intensity at every practice and at her first track meet.After practice was over and most of the kids had gone home and I would be talking to the parents,here was Ashley still on the track sprinting over and over again.She really loves this sport!