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Basic HTML Tutorial
Essentail Tags-

<HTML> - Used to tell the computer that it should read an HTML document. Most free webspace pages will automatically insert this tag for you.

<HEAD> - Used for meta tags, or information about a page that search engines use. Lots of javascripts add certain peices of code within the head tag. You can also add a STYLE tag here, and I will discuss that later.

<BODY> - Used to begin the visual portion of your page. Anything that you want to be seen on your site goes inbetween <BODY> and </BODY>

  • Oh yah, ... all tags have a closing tag after. Like, at the end of an HTML page, you would add </HTML>, and so on...

  • Font alteration

    - Font size... <font size="#"> will change the size of your font. # would be a number between 1 and 10 usually. If you have a basefont, (discussed later) and you wish to change the font, just use the +, - keys. If your basefont is 3, and you want size 1, do <font size="-2"> and you will get size 1! Simple...

    - Font color... <font color="?"> will change the color of your font. There are actually two ways to do this. Some browsers can handle you just typing <font color="black">, but others might demand a hexademical number. For black, it would be <font color="#000000">. I think webmonkey might have a list of hex. numbers...

    - Font face...(type) <font face="fontname"> will change the font you have. If you want verdana font, type <font face="verdana">. Some fonts may not be viewable by all people. To know if yours is, check the font in some typing program. If it has "TT" next to it, almost everyone can see your cool font...

    - *Attribute combinations... you do not have to type <font size="2"><font color="#df83Kv"><font face="tahoma">. You can mix these attributes. Example: <font face="verdana" size="2" color="#FFFFFF">. Cool, huh? .... lol...

    Things within the <BODY> tag.

    - Background colors... You do not need to type <BODY><BODY BGCOLOR="#000000">... you just type <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF">. This will begin the visual portion of your page, as well as set the background color. Lots of HTML atributes may be mixed, fyi...

    - Link Color... code: <BODY bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#F0F0F0">

  • You should always set the background color, even if it is white. (default) There are three different kinds of links. LINK, ALINK, and VLINK. alink = active link, vlink = visited link. Just add these as another atribute, like so: <BODY BGCOLOR="#000000" link="000000" VLINK="#000000" ALINK="000000"> ...even though you wouldn't make everything

    -*STYLE TAG if you want to add some cool effects to your page, this is a good start. Within a STYLE tag, you can: underline a link when hovered upon, change the color of a link when hovered upon, change the size of a link when hovered upon, and more! Here is the STYLE tag of MY website...

    <style TYPE="text/css">
    A{text-decoration: none;}
    A:hover { color: blue; text-decoration: underline; }

    A:hover {color: blue... that turns the link blue when someone hovers on it. text decoration: underline... well that underlines it! (if you do this, links will not be underlined as a default.)

    Paragraphs, bullets, horiz. lines and line breaks.

    - Paragraphs... use <p> to skip a line and then to the next. It will make a SPACE and then start new next, not skip directly to the next line.

    - Bullets... use <li> to create a bullet next to your text.

    - Line breaks... use <br> to skip directly to the next line, sorta like hitting the enter key I guess...

    - Horizontal lines... use <hr> to create a simple horizontal line. You can also use attributes with hr.
    Ex: <hr size="2" width="100%">. These can sometimes come in very usefull...

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    © 2001, Anton Hufford. Specail thanks to MetalWarrior.