Mile High

Rating: NC-17, PWP

Original Date of Completion: January 2003

Pairing: Dan Hinote/Alex Tanguay/Joe Sakic

Disclaimer: I don't own them, and I really don't want to. This is 100% fake and conjured in the confines of my demented little mind. So please, don't sue me.


On the "Things I Hate Most" list of Dan Hinote, road trips were #4. Road trips where he and the Avalanche went 0-1-1 against the Lightning and Panthers respectively were #1. On road trips like this, there was usually just one redeeming quality. Sharing a room, and a bed with Alex Tanguay. But on this particular trip, that hadn't happened. And Dan couldn't decide if he were more disappointed for that, or for the games. He'd eventually decided that Alex was the bigger disappointment, as he'd spent most of the trip ursing himself for not producing and pacing around their hotel room. As often as he dealt with that, Dan tired of it quickly. And for the better part of two nights, he kept a pillow over his head to drown out Alex's incessant bitching.

Alex had apologized for his behavior as they'd left Tampa, but he had yet to stop doing it. As he sat next to Dan on the plane back to Denver, he picked up right where he'd left off. Unfortunately for Dan, there were no pillows in this sight this time around. Bitching French Canadians named Alex were #2 on his list.

"For crying out loud Alex, will you stop? It is not your fault," Dan groaned, rubbing his forehead.

Alex shot him a quick glare, the jutted out his bottom lip in an exaggerated pout. "What happened to the days when you would listen to me bitch without complaining?" He pouted, laying his head on Dan's shoulder.

A smile twitched at Dan's lips, but his annoyance held it back. "Those days ended when you decided that bitching for two days instead of having sex was the proper way to spend a road trip,"

"Aww," Alex coddled, leaning closer to Dan so his mouth was level with his ear. Licking around it, Alex bit down on the lobe before speaking again. "I'm sorry, Danny. Can I make it up to you?"

He grazed his hand slowly up Dan's thigh. Dan gasped as Alex's fingers brushed against his rapidly hardening cock. As often as Alex complained without concern, he was always quick to make it up to Dan. And his apologies were often well worth the crime. He never meant to abuse Dan's ear. Other parts of his body however weren't of concern. Snickering softly, Alex pressed his palm against Dan's crotch. Again Dan gasped, and Alex stared at him with an innocent smile.

"What do you say, Danny? Can I make it up to you?"

"How?" Dan whispered, whimpering as Alex stroked his cock through his jeans.

"Haven't you ever heard of the Mile High club?"

Dan's eyes widened, and he stared at Alex in disbelief. "Here? Are you crazy?"

Alex giggled, squeezing Dan's cock through his jeans. "I don't think he wants to wait,"

"What if we get caught?" Dan asked with a grin as he got to his feet. "Everyone will see," He explained with a shrug.

"While we're speaking of everyone seeing, you have a bit of an obvious problem going on," Alex teased, glancing down at Dan's jeans.

Dan's cheeks tinted a slight pink, and he reached down to his seat to grab his jacket. Holding it in front of him to block the obvious tent, he turned from Alex and walked toward the bathrooms. Alex watched him, shaking his head at the jerky walk Dan used, caused by the tightness in his jeans. In all the years they'd been together, Alex had never known a thing capable of killing Dan's hard-on. "It goes away when it wants to go away, and it doesn't want to go away until you want it to go away," was Dan's own explanation. Alex had laughed at it the first time he'd heard it. But it had quickly been proven to be true, and that had yet to change. Not that Alex had any complaints; it made things much more convenient.

When Dan had been gone for a few minutes, Alex slipped from his seat and made his way back to the bathrooms. Seeing all but one stall occupied, Alex tapped lightly against the door with his knuckle. It was unlocked quickly, and giving a glance around him to assure a clear coast, Alex slipped inside. He couldn't stop a giggle as his eyes took Dan in, sitting against the tiny sink already half naked. Struggling to move in the tiny room, Dan wiggled until he pressed Alex back against the sink. Pressing his hands against the taut muscles of Dan's chest, Alex grasped a nipple between his fingers. Dan growled against Alex's mouth as they shared a soft kiss. Grinning into the kiss, Alex pulled away and brought his hands to his waist.

He slowly pushed both pants and boxers down, rolling his eyes as Dan licked his lips. Inching forward, Dan slipped his hands behind Alex and grazed a finger slowly down the crack of his ass. Alex shivered at the feeling, leaning into Dan with a quiet whimper. Dan snickered softly as he pressed a finger at Alex's opening, and Alex nipped gently at his neck.

"I know you have lube," Alex spoke, nuzzling Dan's neck.

Dan pulled away just slightly, and grabbed his jacket from the hook behind them. Digging into various pockets, he finally produced the tiny tube, and showed it to Alex with a triumphant smirk. "Never leave home, or hotels without it."

Alex smiled and slipped his arms around Dan's neck. Their lips met for a soft, slow kiss, the usual start for their escapades. But as their hands began roaming tentatively across skin, their kisses grew bolder and more passionate. Alex nibbled gently at Dan's bottom lip, Dan spreading the lube on his fingers. Capturing Alex's lip between his teeth, he pressed a slick finger into him. Alex whimpered from the feeling, tugging his head away even as his lip stayed trapped in Dan's teeth. With a growl, he clamped his hand onto Dan's nipple, garnering a hiss and his lip's freedom for his troubles.

"Didn't like that?" Dan pouted, rubbing the nipple Alex had attacked.

"Didn"t like that?" Alex asked with a cocky grin.

Dan glared, and Alex just snickered. Leaning forward, he nudged Dan's hand away from his nipple and replaced it with his mouth. Dan moaned as Alex's tongue swirled around the hardened nub. Struggling at their angle, Dan still managed to slip another finger inside him. Alex moaned from the feeling, and not thinking bit down on Dan's nipple. Dan growled and clenched his hand in Alex's hair. Pulling his head up, Dan glared at him with mock intensity.

"What did I tell you about teeth?" He asked, faking anger.

"What did I tell you two about doing these things in a public area?" A voice sounded from outside the room.

Recognizing the voice as that of their captain, Joe Sakic, the two separated quickly and struggled to re-dress. Pulling whatever clothing they'd removed back on messily, they shared a quick sigh. In all the times they'd done things like this, never on an airplane, but in locker rooms, elevators, on the catwalk at the Pepsi Center, Joe had always caught them. They could never explain it, but he always knew when they were doing something that he thought they shouldn't. Shrugging his shoulders, Dan placed a soft peck to Alex's cheek before opening the door. There before them Joe stood, arms crossed across his chest, and that captainly look of silent annoyance on his face. Blush instantly filled Alex's cheek and he dropped his eyes to the floor. Dan glanced at him with a sigh, then locked his eyes on Joe. Joe shook his head at his young teammates and rubbed his temples.

"How many times have I told you two about stuff like this?" He asked, motioning to them and the bathroom.

"Sorry, Joe," Dan replied softly, dropping his gaze to the floor.

"Yeah, sorry Joe," Alex piped in, his cheeks still flushed with embarrassment.

Joe sighed and again shook his head. "Sorry isn't enough anymore. This is far too many times I've had to tell you about this. Both of you, captain's lounge, now,"

Joe walked past them, stomping quietly down the aisle and to the captain's lounge. Dan turned to Alex, frowning at the nervous look in his eyes. Dan himself couldn't be nervous; they'd been caught in that position many times and Joe had done nothing to them. But it bothered him intensely to see nervousness in Alex's shimmering blue eyes. Leaning over, Dan brushed his lips softly against Alex's cheek. Alex smiled as Dan pulled away, but the nervousness still lingered.

"Don't be nervous," Dan comforted as he stood up. "It's Joe, you know he isn't going to do anything besides say "I'm very disappointed in both of you," Dan mimicked Joe's even voice, shaking his head as Joe had done to them so many times.

Alex giggled, slapping Dan playfully in the back of the head as he stepped out into the aisle. "Don't mock the captain, at least not when everyone else can hear,"

Dan snickered in reply as he made his way from the bathroom. Straightening his clothes beforehand, he started his walk toward the captain's lounge. Teammates snickered as he walked past, but he could do nothing but grin. Being caught fooling around in an airplane bathroom with Alex was a lot better than not getting to fool around at all. When he reached the lounge, he turned back to Alex and flashed him a cheesy grin. Alex giggled, shaking his head as he almost ran down the aisle, avoiding the eyes of his teammates. His nervousness had since disappeared, vanquished as always by Dan's antics. As he stepped into the captain's lounge, he thought less about Joe's speech, and more about bursting into a fit of giggles. He could feel the fit coming on, Dan had that affect on him. He just hoped that it could wait until after the meeting.

Walking quickly across the room, Alex sat beside Dan on one of the leather sofas that were the centerpieces of the lounge. Joe sat across from them in a recliner, his elbows resting on his knees as he waited for them to get situated. Both did so quickly, sitting close enough for just minor contact, and dropping their eyes to the floor like reprimanded children. Joe watched them with a sigh, and sat back in his chair.

"How many times is this now? Ten, 20? Do you two ever learn? There are guys on this team who may not be comfortable with this, you know that right?"

"Sorry, Joe," Dan said glumly, folding his hands in his lap.

"Yeah, sorry Joe," Alex mumbled, fighting back giggles as Dan kittenishly nudged his foot.

Joe sighed in frustration and stood up from his chair. Clearing his throat, he snapped their attention to him. It was plain for him to see that Alex was ready to combust with laughter, and that Dan was the cause of it, even though he sat with an innocent look on his face. They were, together, the thorn in his captain side. As often as he had told them about public displays, and urged them to corral their hormones, they had still pressed on. No matter how much he tried, he could never fully reprimand them. But he knew that if they weren't taught a lesson, they would just continue on in their actions. He personally had no problems with it; he in fact found them quite adorable together. But he knew that for the sake of his team, and the sake of keeping everything calm and copacetic, he had to punish them. That was why he'd brought them back to the lounge, for punishment. Although what he had in mind, most wouldn't consider punishment.

"I'm sorry, boys. I can't let you just slide this time. I've got to teach you a lesson," He spoke calmly, masking the anticipation in his voice.

"We won't do it again, Joe," The two replied in unison. They turned and looked at each other, and Joe fought back snickers as he saw Alex literally bite his tongue to stop his laughter.

"I wish I could believe you, but you've said that every time. I've got to punish you for this one,"

"Punish us how?" Alex asked, suddenly nervous.

"Well," Joe shrugged, and a grin spread across his face. "If you two like fooling around so much, you're going to have to show me what's so special about it,"

He plopped back down into his chair and stared at them. They turned to each other and shared quizzical looks, before a slight grin came across Dan's face. Alex raised a questioning eyebrow, increasing the grin on Dan's face. Motioning Alex to him with a finger, Dan spoke into Alex's ear.

"He wants us to show him why we enjoy fooling around," Dan whispered, darting his tongue out to lick quickly around Alex's ear.

Alex giggled and leaned forward to speak in return. "Just take your pants off and he'll see why I enjoy it so much,"

Dan grinned as he pulled away. Turning on the sofa, he focused his attention on Joe while his hand slipped lazily up Alex's thigh. "Not mine. His,"

Alex glanced at Dan in question, then turned his gaze to Joe. Joe grinned at Alex's confusion, reclining back in his chair and resting his hands beneath his head. That only served to increase Alex's confusion, and he shifted his attention back to Dan. Dan slapped his forehead with a giggle, leaning into Alex and kissing him on the cheek.

"Well, no one said I loved you for your brains," Dan snickered as he snaked his hand up Alex's thigh.

As Dan's hands released the button of his pants, Alex finally caught on. Flashing a quick grin at Joe, he turned to Dan and brought their lips together. The two shared a rough, punishing kiss as their hands fumbled with clothing. Shirts were pushed eagerly off shoulders and hands danced gleefully on now bare skin. Tweaking a nipple between his fingers, Dan coaxed a light whimper from the lips of Alex. Grinning into the kiss, Dan bit down once more on Alex's bottom lip. Alex growled and snaked his hand into Dan's hair, tugging at it gently.

"So what do you love me for?" Alex mumbled into the kiss, tugging his lip free from Dan's teeth.

Opting against words, Dan answered with a grin and slipped his hand into Alex's briefs. Alex gasped as Dan's hand encircled his cock and jerked it swiftly. A slight moan escaped his throat, but it turned quickly to a growl as Dan pulled his hand away. Smirking, Dan tucked his fingers past the waist of Alex's jeans and tugged both jeans and boxers from his hips. Discarding them messily, Dan stared Alex down predatorily, licking his lips as their eyes met. It was a body he was more than accustomed to, but he longed for it the same now as he had the first time. The feel, the sight, the taste of Alex was permanently imbedded in his memory, but he lived for the refresher course. As annoying as he sometimes was, Dan wouldn't trade Alex for anyone in the world. Alex was one in a million, and he belonged solely to Dan. Except for tonight; but Dan was more than willing to share with his captain.

With a grin, Dan hopped to his feet and turned a heated gaze to Joe. Joe grinned at the specimens before him, biting his bottom lip as Alex stepped behind Dan. His eyes locked fully on those of his captain, Alex slid his hands slowly down Dan's ribs, springing goosebumps on the skin, until he reached the waist of his jeans. Quickly unfastening the button, Alex slipped his hands past the waistband of both boxers and jeans. Grazing his lips gently down Dan's jaw, Alex pushed jeans and boxers easily from his hips. Freed of its fabric prison, Dan's cock jutted confidently from his body. Alex grasped it in his hand jerking it roughly as his lips found Dan's neck. Dan moaned softly as Alex's hand worked along his shaft, fingers gliding easily along the silky skin. Alex was more than content to keep going, manipulating Dan's hard flesh until the last possible moment. But as he pressed a finger to Dan's opening, Dan cleared his throat, snapping Alex's attention from his actions.

"As much as I love that," Dan spoke, gasping for breath. "We're supposed to show Joe why we like fooling around,"

In an instant, the two separated and flocked to Joe's side. Without words they went to work on his clothing, pulling and tugging until he sat naked in the chair. Joe smiled at the two of them, laughing slightly in nervous anticipation. The younger men just grinned as they dropped to the floor beside their captain. Neither had ever let on, but both harbored more than a little lust for Joe. And it showed plainly in their unbridled eagerness. Kneeling beside him, both brought their hands to his skin; Alex's hands danced slowly up his thigh as Dan's fingers massaged at his nipples. A quiet moan escaped from Joe's lips, and his eyes fluttered shut from the sensations coursing through his body.

Wrapping a hand around Joe's cock, Alex grinned at the sexy growl Dan uttered. Keeping his eyes on Dan, Alex began to slowly jerk Joe's cock, coaxing moans from him with each stroke. Dan watched Alex intently as he stroked Joe's cock, a devious glint in his eyes directed straight at Dan. The challenged had been issued, and Dan was more than ready to accept.

He grinned down at Alex as he brought his lips to Joe's chest, quickly taking a nipple between his teeth. Joe whimpered from the feeling, and clutched his hands tightly on the arms of the chair. Dan's tongue worked expertly along Joe's chest, alternating from nipple to nipple. Alex was mesmerized from the sight before him. He'd been on the receiving end of that on numerous occasions, and it looked just as good as it felt. But his mesmerization lasted only briefly as he noticed the cocky grin in Dan's eyes. Not to be outdone, he glanced up at Joe and licked his lips. Joe's reply came in the form of a strangled moan as Alex took him deep into his throat and went quickly to work on Joe's throbbing flesh.

This time it was Dan who was mesmerized, and he pulled his lips from Joe's chest, concentrating fully on Alex's mouth. He took his own cock in his hand as he watched Alex, his lips climbing slowly up Joe's shaft, then sliding quickly back down. This was another thing of Alex permanently imbedded in his mind, but he'd yet to have seen it performed; the pleasure was so intense he struggled to keep his eyes open when it happened. Even now as he watched Alex work his magic on their captain, he could almost feel Alex's mouth wrapped around him. But bitterly, he recognized that it was just his own hand working along his swollen inches. He knew it wouldn't take long before his body began to ache for Alex, but for the time being he planned to enjoy the show taking place in front of him.

It was Alex who eventually stopped the show, pulling away despite moans of protest from his counterparts. He simply grinned at them as he got to his feet. Connecting eyes with Dan, he beckoned him over with a finger. Shrugging, Dan left his spot beside Joe and took the three quick strides it took to meet Alex. Joe sat forward in his chair, resting his knees on his elbows and waiting for the show to unfold before him. Both Alex and Dan turned to him with a grin before bringing their attention back to each other. A simple smile was all the communication they needed before Dan pulled Alex into his arms. Alex went along willingly, growling as his lips met Dan's. Sliding his hands teasingly down his chest, Alex grasped Dan's cock in his hands. Snickering at Dan's soft moan, Alex began to jerk him torturously slow.

"Danny," He spoke into the kiss.

"Yes, love?" Dan rasped in reply, still not breaking their kiss.

"I want you to fuck me now,"

Dan separated their kiss and stared at Alex with a grin. "What about Joe?"

Before Alex had a chance to reply, Joe was on his feet and standing next to them. Leaning into Alex, he brushed his lips softly against his cheek. Turning, he did the same thing with Dan before pulling away and grinning at them.

"Joe would really like to see that. And I'm sure he will find some way to keep busy,"

Permission granted, so to speak, Alex and Dan quickly dropped to the floor. Wasting no time, Dan placed himself between Alex's legs as their lips reunited. Their kisses resumed with more heat and more passion than any they had shared that day. Tongues writhed eagerly, lips clashing eagerly as Dan placed himself at Alex's opening. Prepared already from their earlier encounter, Dan slipped easily inside Alex, biting down on his shoulder to stifle a moan. Once fully sheathed, he stared down at Alex with a smile. Vibrant, lust hazed blue eyes stared back at him, urging him silently to begin his thrusts. Never one to disappoint, Dan quickly obliged and began a slow, methodical rhythm.

So accustomed to Alex's body, Dan knew just how to move to get him screaming in pleasure. It took less than three thrusts for Alex to become a moaning, writhing mass beneath him. Alex's moans of pleasure were music to Dan's ears, and he set out to increase them as he wrapped his hand around Alex's thick shaft. Jerking slowly, Dan soon found a rhythm to match his thrusts. Concentrating solely on Alex, Dan's eyes fluttered shut as he continued his motions. Being inside Alex took him to a different place, away from the rest of the world. To Dan, there was no greater feeling in the world. Except maybe knowing he took Alex to that same place.

Opening his eyes again, Dan was surprised to see Joe kneeling beside Alex. He grinned as Joe slipped his cock past Alex's lips. A light whimper escaped from Joe's throat as he began to slowly thrust into Alex's mouth. His eyes trained on Joe's cock, Dan sped his motions to meet those of Joe. Alex moaned in response, sucking hard on Joe and clenching his muscles around Dan. Moaning at the now tighter feeling, Dan sped his thrusting even more. It took almost no time from then for him to reach orgasm, and with a quiet gasp he exploded inside Alex. Thrusting twice more, he pulled himself from Alex with a slight hiss.

Sliding down quickly, Dan replaced his hand with his mouth and began to bob slowly on Alex's shaft. Sucking hard, Dan pulled the orgasm from Alex's body, Alex exploding with a muffled scream. Staying on him until he felt the last drop coat his throat, Dan let Alex slip from his mouth and went swiftly to work with his tongue, licking away what few droplets remained. With Alex taken care of, Dan crawled to where Joe knelt, pumping his dick slowly into Alex's mouth. Gliding a hand up Joe's chest, Dan grasped a nipple between his fingers as he began sucking roughly at Joe's neck. Joe could only survive the dual pleasure for seconds before he lost it with a ragged sigh, shooting deep down Alex's throat.

Completely spent, Joe pulled himself from Alex's mouth and collapsed onto the floor beside him. Dan slid down beside them, draping an arm across Alex's waist as he turned to look at Joe. Craning his neck back, Alex shared a brief kiss with Dan before turning and doing the same with Joe. As their kiss separated, Joe yawned, and that pushed Alex to the point all day in the making. He burst into giggles as he wriggled from beneath Dan's arm and struggled to a sitting position. When he'd achieved his goal, he glanced back and forth between Dan and Joe, who both laid staring at him with a questioning look. Shaking his head, Alex fought back his giggles long enough to speak.

"I was just thinking, Danny. We still made it into the Mile High club. But technically we ARE the Mile High club, we play in Denver,"


© 2003 Triple X

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