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Welcome to Project82

Latest news:
This is prolly the first time I have worked on this site in almost a year. I will update more, I promise..

Thank you for visiting my page. This page is dedicated to the restoration of my 1982 Ford EXP. Here you will see photos of the car, notes about the restoration, and other stupid stuff.

The story so far:
I bought my 82 EXP for $400 in September of 1999. I was really excited about it. After all it was my first car and it was very unique. At first I did not care for the frog-eye shaped front clip, but it kinda grew on me.
About one year later I started to have engine problems. The wost of the problems was a leaky valve cover gasket. The smell of oil burning off the exhaust made it hard to sit at a red light for very long.
Then in December of the same year she was side swiped by a lady driving at 50mph in the curb lane. The lady admitted to me that she was looking for a street and was not paying attention.
Last in Feb. of 2001 she caught fire and burned in the parking lot of a local Target. Luckily, most of the damage was under-hood only. In light of all this I decided it was time to give her a custom restoration and here I am today!

If you wish to cntact me I have two E-mail addresses:

My e-mail:


My EXP restoration
Pictures of my EXP
About Me
The Vision of my complete car
Tips and Tricks for the 82
EXP watch
My 1988.5 EXP
Links to other Escort/EXP websites